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because he helped him tree the ghost coon

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Billy showed his respects to Rubin by giving him a eulogy and burying him with his favorite possessions. His grandfather also noticed this act of respect.

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Q: How did billy show his respects to rubin and who else noticed in Where the Red Fern Grows?
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Who recovered Rubin's body in where the red fern grows?

In "Where the Red Fern Grows," Billy discovers that Rubin's body was recovered by a search party who found him near the riverbank, where he had fallen and drowned while hunting. Billy is deeply saddened by Rubin's death and the loss of his loyal hounds.

When does billy show empathy in Where the Red Fern Grows?

Billy shows empathy throughout the book Where the Red Fern Grows, such as when he takes care of the injured dog Old Dan, shows compassion for his family, and feels sorrow for animals in pain. One significant moment is when Billy risks his own safety to save a mountain lion caught in a trap, demonstrating his deep empathy towards all living creatures.

What bet did rubin and rainie make with billy in the red fern grows?

In "Where the Red Fern Grows," Rubin and Rainie make a bet with Billy that his dogs cannot tree a raccoon by themselves. Billy agrees to the bet, and his dogs Old Dan and Little Ann eventually prove themselves by successfully treeing a raccoon.

Where the red fern grows how does billy react to the fate of Rubin Pritchard?

Even though Rubin was a bully, and a mean kid, Billy is still extremely sad about Rubin's death. Remember, Rubin fell on an axe which stabbed him in the belly while he was out hunting with Billy. Rubin's brother Rainie runs off in shock. Billy is the one who then goes to get real help for Rubin, but it's too late. Later Billy sneaks over to the graveyard and quietly puts flowers on Rubin's grave. Somehow, this makes him feel better, and he feels ready to hunt with his dogs again.

In Where the Red Fern Grows what is rubin brother name?

Ruban die's by Billy tripping him with a tree branch because he was chasing Billy's dog's with ax to kill them after they had atacked his bluetick hound. Anyway's, You shouldn't run with an ax anyways.

What where the names of the two boys that made a bet with Billy in the book Where the Red Fern Grows?

The two boys who made a bet with Billy in the book "Where the Red Fern Grows" were Rubin and Rainie Pritchard.

In Where the Red Fern Grows who is ruby?

Maybe Rubin Pritchard - one of the boys who challenges Billy to a contest and later dies.

Where did rubin die in Where the Red Fern Grows?

Book version: Billy's dogs were killing the Pritchards' dog, so Rubin decided to kill Billy's dogs. He picked up Billy's ax and then started running. He tripped on a stick and fell. The ax's blade entered Billy's stomach, therefore killing him. Movie version: BIlly's dogs were killing the Pritchards' dog, so Rubin decided to kill Billy's dogs. He picked up Billy's ax and started running, but Billy didn't want his dogs to die. Billy tackled at Rubin's legs, causing him to fall. As he did, the ax's blade entered Rubin's body (which didn't actually happen, because that's too graphic.), causing him to die.

Who died in where the red fern grows rubin or rainie?

In "Where the Red Fern Grows," it is Ruben who died. Rainie, his younger brother, survives and continues to share adventures with the protagonist, Billy.

Why does grandpa blame himself for Rubin's death in Where the Red Fern Grows?

Grandpa blames himself for Rubin's death in "Where the Red Fern Grows" because he feels responsible for calling Rubin to help with the hunting trip that led to his tragic accident. He carries guilt for unintentionally putting Rubin in harm's way and feels responsible for the consequences. Grandpa's sense of responsibility and regret highlight the deep emotional bonds and impact of the event on the characters in the story.

What was the real name of the character rubin pritchard in Where the Red Fern Grows and where did billy coleman grow up 4 miles north of tahlequah on the river or south west of tahlequah?

The real name of the character Rubin Pritchard in "Where the Red Fern Grows" is Rubin T. Morrison. Billy Coleman, the protagonist, grew up four miles southeast of Tahlequah, near the Illinois River.

In Where the Red Fern Grows who is the antagonist?

Two boys named Rubin and Rainie, of the Pritchard family. The two boys are trouble making kids and challenge Billy to find the ghost coon. Rubin dies because he trips on an axe.