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Q: How did birth rates following world war 2 impact the US economy?
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How do birth rates and death rates changes as a country moves from a least developed or traditional economy to developing-nation status?


How do birth rates and death rates change as a country moves from a least developed or traditional economy to developing nation status?


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The tendency of a population to shift from high birth and death rates is called a demographic transition.

Which of the following is the correct description of supply side economics?

the economy expands as a result of lower tax rates.=.)

What is the significance of interest Rates for an economy?

the significance is that the government profit from specific interest rates in an economy

How birth rates and death rates influence the size of a population?

If birth rates exceed death rates, the population increases proportionally. If death rates exceed birth rates, the population decreases.

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Having low interest rates means the money supply in the economy is increased, thereby allowin people to spend more which thus should have the impact of increasing demand.

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Which of the following terms best describes the process by which the government controls interest rates and the money supply in order to influence the economy?

monetary policy

How do birth rates and death rates change as a country moves from a least developed or traditional economy to developing-nation status?

As a country makes the transition from a least developed economy to developing nation status the Birthrates and Death Rates will increase due to immigration and an increase in criminal activity. Hope it helped, this website is kinda worthless, you rarely get an answer and occasionally they are wrong.

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what is different about interest rates, or price of credit, from other prices in the economy