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People say they did but they did not People say they did but they did not

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Q: How did black death influence the migration to America?
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Related questions

What was the social effect of black death?

Black Death lead to social changes. such as less influence by church.

What were some important changes caused by the black death?

Black Death caused revolutions. It weakened church's influence.

What was the black deaths effect socially?

Black Death lead to social changes. such as less influence by church.

How did the lifestyle change in the influence of the black death?

It is said that it converted many to christianity.

What did the black death help bring an end to in Europe?

Black Death helped to end feudalism. It also helped to end influence of church over common people.

Was the black death in Italy?

Yes, the black death went through almost every major popluation in the world; (with the possible exception of North and South America)

Is deaths colors black or white?

depending on your culture and where you are it could be either, such as in America the color of death/mourning is black but in China the color of death/mourning is white

What was an important effect of the Black Death (bubonic plague pandemic) on the populations of Europe in the late 1340s?

Black Death had given birth to many revolts. It also helped to influence scientific researches.

Did any president get the black death?

The Bubonic Plague, the Black Death, broke out in Europe in the 1400s, long before America had been discovered, much less settled and established.

What is the moral in the plague?

Black Death taught people to organize better socially and economically. It also helped to influence scientific researches.

How did the black death influence he ecosystem?

The landscape became depopulated and was not cared for properly, so it reverted to nature in many places.

Why do you think demographers look at birth rates and death rates to study human population?

For the very simple reason that birth rates influence the rate at which the population grows whereas the death rate determines the rate at which it decreases. Net migration is another factor that needs to be taken into account.