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the disease was carried by rats who were on the ship

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Q: How did boats spread the disease of the black plague?
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Where was the black plague the worst?

The black death was the worst in cities in western Europe. The rats and fleas from the boats would travel to the ports and the disease would spread wherever it stopped. Spain and France had it the worst.

Where did the plague come from before it reached Europe?

The black death began to spread in about 1437 during the Middle Ages from fleas that bit mice and rats that were infected with a the black death. The fleas would swell from the infected blood they took in and vomit it out. Fleas love to bite humans bite humans any chance they get. Infected fleas bit any human they could find spreading the black death.

Where the black plague started in the UK?

the black death first arrived in the UK in the south where all the boats came in.

How was plague called black death spread?

Bubonic Plague or Black Plague started in Europe around 1347. It was a terrible disease that was carried out with black rats and fleas. This terrible disease was affected the Medieval society. It was a terrible because so many peasants died and that nobody was left to farm the land and do the daily work.The Plague (or called "Black Death") was an epidemic that struck Europe. People from China and Mongolia came with infected fleas carried by rats going aboard ships and that were transported to Italy, Greece and France; when the ships docked, the rats left the ships entering cities bringing the fleas and disease with them. In 1348 the virus, known as the Yersinia pestisbacterium and until 1351 the bacterium had killed 1/3 of Europe. Leaving fewer farmers and other people that held jobs that were important to the economy. The Europeans blamed the Jews for the plague by poisoning the water but it really was caused by flea bites. Other break outs occurred between 1451-1721.Plague is still around today in small numbers and is treated with antibiotics.

How did the plague spread from human to human?

The black death spread from human to human mainly in seliva. When somebody who had the plague kissed a preist for instance, the priest would have the plague. In those times, kissing each other on the lips was a sign of gratitude and friendship and love. It was common to kiss each other which didnt make the plague easy to contain instead of spreading it by kissing their loved ones before they died.

How was the plage started?

it started by a bunch of fleas they got on the rats then rat got in the boats of European and those spread the disease

What were the symptoms of the plague in 1665?

There were outbreaks of Plague throughout the Middle Ages, due to the unsanitary conditions of the time. It was borne by fleas which spread via the rats. Rats were often aboard ships of cargo to other countries, and the plague spread to other countries via the rats. In the case of the 1665 plague, this particular outbreak originated in Holland. King Charles II had already stopped trade with Holland in 1663 in order to minimise the chance of it spreading to England, but, within two years, the plague arrived on the streets of the poorer areas of London. The Great Fire of London which occurred in 1666 was a blessing in disguise. It wiped out the rats, the fleas and hence, the disease.

The bubonic plague was carried by?

The carrier of this plague is the rats the carrier of the plague is actually fleas and ticks because they bite the rats and give them the plague. So the carriers of the plague are most rodents, ticks, and fleas.

How did the black death arrive in England?

The Plague was spread by rats and flea's, and eventually by humans, traveling every were and going on ships. It started in China and moved to other parts of Asia, then eventually got to Europe and England. It started in the south of England and spread everywhere.

In the middle ages how did you catch the Bubonic Plague?

Bubonic plague is one of the deadliest bacterial infections that have caused death of millions of people just in a very short time span. The bubonic plague infects animals as well as humans. Flies and airborne insects are the main cause of spread of this disease. In ancient times when use of antibiotics was not known, the plague was cured by burning the buboes with blood-hot iron rod, which was a barbaric method but did save many lives.

What was the actual cause of the black death?

It is believed to be the rat.However, there is new, recent evidence that the black plague was actually caused by anthrax and spread by humans, not bubonic bacteria spread by rats as previously thought. See the related question below for more information.

In the middle passage what were disease were there?

The diseases that on the boats that were travelling in the middle passage are inflammations, fevers and smallpox, these were suffered by both the crew and the salves. but is the answer on what is the diseases on what in the middle passage