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Sadly yes he did.

He was a staunch traditionalist - and tradition says that a captain goes down with his ship. Sad but true. He was last seen standing calmly on the listing bridge.

His name was Edward John Smith, however, not John Smith.

This report is from Wikipedia: Working near Collapsible B, Junior Marconi Officer Harold Bride reported seeing Smith dive into the sea from the open bridge minutes before the final plunge began. One story states he carried a child to the overturned collapsible B after the sinking and swam off to freeze in the water.

If true, then strictly speaking, he did not go down with his ship. He abandoned his ship just before it sank.

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13y ago
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13y ago

He died of a combination of starvation and cold. On the way back from the South Pole the party encountered severe weather which impeded their progress and they failed to reach a food station so with a combination of frostbite, cold and hunger he and his remaining comrades perished.

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11y ago

He either drowned or succumbed to hypothermia in the freezing waters- some survivors report seeing him going down with the ship, others who were clinging to an upturned lifeboat claim that they heard a voice that sounded remarkably like his, hailing them from the darkness asking if there was any extra room on board. "Hang on to what you have, old man" came the reply, "One more person would sink us all". "That's alright boys" said the stranger, "Good Luck, and God Bless you all". Upon realising soon afterwards that the voice sounded like Captin Smith's, the lifeboat occupants made a search for him and called out his name, but there was no reply and he wasn't found.

Whether he drowned or froze to death, his body was never recovered- his heavy Winter greatcoat, woollen uniform and boots would quickly have become waterlogged and pulled him under. He was 62 years old, and left a wife and daughter.

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13y ago

Edward Jon Smith, the captain of the ill-fated Titanic, went down with his ship after it hit a submerged iceberg on April 15, 1912

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12y ago

captain William Bligh died because

1.years of age

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6y ago

Yes. Capt.Smith died on Titanic.

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