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the citizens became hostile

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Q: How did climate and geography shape Greek life?
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How did the land and climate shape greek life?

The geography isolated and separated Greek cities, so in their early history the had little contact and were hostile when the did have contact.

How did geography shape the life in the fetile crescent?

because it can

How did geography shape the Arab way of life?

The deserts, coastline, and oases of Arabia helped shape the Arab way of life.

How do they affect life there?

The geography and climate of a place can have a significant impact on the way of life there, influencing everything from the local economy to social customs. For example, a region with fertile soil may be known for its agriculture, while areas prone to natural disasters may have to adapt their infrastructure and lifestyle accordingly. Overall, geography and climate can shape the opportunities and challenges faced by people living in a particular location.

What does geography mean in the literal sense?

Geography, in the literal sense, comes from the Greek words "geo" meaning Earth and "graphy" meaning to write or describe. Therefore, geography can be understood as the study and description of the Earth's physical features, its climate, and the distribution of plant, animal, and human life.

How might a moderate climate foster civic life?

In ancient times, the moderate climate supported an outdoor life for many Greek citizens.

List the ways that geography and climate shaped greek life and possibly greek history?

The mountainous terrain of Greece led to the development of independent city-states, as communities were isolated from one another. The mild climate enabled outdoor activities like farming and athletic competitions, which played a significant role in Greek society. The access to the sea encouraged maritime trade and colonization, expanding Greek influence across the Mediterranean.

How have the eath's physical procresses shaped the earth's landforms climate and plant life?

how have the earth's physical processes shape of the earth's landforms, climate, and plants life

How do the himilaya mts impact geography?

The Himalayas impact geography by acting as a barrier that separates the Indian subcontinent from the rest of Asia. They also influence climate patterns in the region by blocking cold air from the north and causing the Indian monsoon. Additionally, the Himalayas are a source of major rivers, providing water for agriculture and human consumption.

What is geographhy?

Geography is the study of all the physical features of the Earth's surface, including its climate and the distribution of plant, animal, and human life.

How geography influences your way of life?

Geography influences many factors of your life.1- It influences climate (like rain, sun, thunderstorms etc..) In the desert for example it is hot, because of where it is located.2- Climate, influences the clothes you buy. ( If it is mostly sunny where you are, and the winter is not harsh, you will likely not buy heavy clothes like snow pants)3- It affects the food you buy. Some food will not be available where you live, because it is not grown near there, because of the geography. ( Meaning : state of dirt, land etc...)This is how geography influences your way of life!

Is a biome a large region?

no, a Biome is an area of similar climate, geography, and animal and plant life. Biomes can be used to define area but are not always.