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Q: How did consumerism change after WW2?
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How did American Change After World War 2?

After WW2 everything was incredibly cheap and there were jobs everywhere, everyone had lots of money and there was large consumerism (people buying lots of things). if you want more information look up 1950s, theres lots of information about the growth of wealth after WW2 out there. sorry my answers not really in depth, but it gives you the basics...!

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After WW2 everything was incredibly cheap and there were jobs everywhere, everyone had lots of money and there was large consumerism (people buying lots of things). if you want more information look up 1950s, theres lots of information about the growth of wealth after WW2 out there. sorry my answers not really in depth, but it gives you the basics...!

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What is a synonym for consumerism?

Consumerism is a movement seeking to protect consumers against improperly labeled or shoddy merchandise. There is no synonym.

How do you use the world consumerism in a sentence?

Consumerism can be defined as a social movement seeking to augment the right of buyers in relation to seller

How do you prevent consumerism?

With grees Oo

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What are facts on consumerism?

hh i like this ....

How did the world map change after WW2?

the world map changed affter ww2 by the USSR taking some of Poland and poland taking some of geramay