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They depend on the animals by how they lived

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Elsa Champlin

Lvl 10
2y ago
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1mo ago

Homo sapiens depended on animals for food, clothing, tools, and transport. They hunted animals for meat, used animal skins for clothing, crafted tools and weapons from animal bones, and domesticated animals for help with farming and transportation. Animals played a crucial role in the survival and development of early human societies.

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13y ago

They depend on the animals by how they lived

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11y ago

By following them when they migrate so they could have something to rely on so they could eat while they where traveling.

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Lvl 1
3y ago

They depended on them for food and to make clothing from the fur.

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Q: How did did Homo sapiens depend on Animals?
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How did the homo sapiens depend on animals?

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Homo sapiens(Modern humans are Homo sapiens sapiens, other subspecies include Homo sapiens idaltu.)

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Homo sapiens Homo sapiens

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The only living species of Homo sapiens is Homo sapiens sapiens, which includes all modern humans. Other species within the genus Homo, such as Homo neanderthalensis and Homo habilis, are now extinct.

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The genus name for Homo sapiens is Homo.

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Homo sapiens, human species name