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That is a very good question. Dinosaurs protected themselves in many different ways. Most were fast enough to escape danger; others were too big to attack. Still others protected themselves with spikes or clubs.

some dinosaurs face death and others protect each of their groups

That would depend on the type of dinosaur. The massive sauropods, which were long necked herbivores, were protected primarily by their enormous size and safety in numbers. Some dinosaurs, such as Triceratops, had horns which would have been a formidable defense. Other dinosaurs were fast runners, such as Ornithomimus, and thus could have outrun many predators. Many meat eating dinosaurs, such as Tyrannosaurus, show evidence of having fought with others of their own species. In such fights, their teeth, jaws, and claws would have been their weapons of choice, and if defeated they could always try to flee.

A dinosaur can protect itself by either swinging its tail, biting, or charging.

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12y ago

Tyrannosaurus probably didn't have to defend itself very often, but if it did T-Rex had many dangerous weapons. First of all, its huge size would been an advantage in any battle. Second, it had one of the most powerful bite forces of any species of dinosaur and a strong skull.

Because they were an apex predator and the largest carnivore in their habitat, an adult T-rex probably had nothing to fear from other species. However, the young could have been vulnerable to attack from crocodillians and maniraptoran dinosaurs. Luckily, the young were almost certainly protected by their parents.

Fossil evidence shows that T-rex did fight with other individuals of its own kind. In such a battle, their defense was their offense: powerful jaws lined with sharp, bone-crushing teeth.

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12y ago

different dinosaurs reacted in different ways when they came across predators. the iguanadon would blend into its surroundings-its skin patterns and colour camouflaging it. gallimimus used its speed to escape predetors such as t-rex, reaching speeds of 56 kph(35 mph. others relied on sturdy body armour.

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7y ago

There are many ways Dinosaurs defended themselves. Now here's a list of how they defended themselves:

1. Sharp teeth or sharp beaks

Sharp teeth helped mainly the Therapods (carnivorous/meat-eating Dinosaurs). The sharp teeh could fatally wound an enemy. Almost no herbivorous Dinosaurs(plant eating Dinosaurs) had sharp teeth. But some herbivorous Dinosaurs had sharp beaks to defend themselves.

2. Claws

Claws helped both carnivorous and herbivorous Dinosaurs. Raptors have sharp claws on their hands and feet and one of the claws on the foot is like a sickle. In larger carnivrous Dinosaurs the talons on their feet are their second main weapon. Herbivorous Dinosaurs called Iguanodontids have a pair of thumb claws to defend themselves. They could stab their enemies with them. Saurapods (long- necked Dinosaurs), Saurapodamorphs (Saurapodamorphs are also long- necked Dinosaurs), and Prosaurapods (primitive long- necked Dinosaurs) also had thumb claws. However the pair of thumb claws were more useful in Prosaurapods because they could lift the front of their body off the ground more easily.

3. Horns and frills

Horns were a very useful defense. Some Ceratopsians (horned Dinosaurs) had them to defend themselves. Some carnivorous Dinosaurs like Ceratosaurus also had them to use in the mating season.

4. Bony heads

Dinosaurs called Pachycephalosaurs had bony domes on top of their heads. They head- butted each other with them in the mating season or used them to try to become leader of the herd. They could also use them to strike their predators or scare them away.

5. Speed

Some Dinosaurs had no defenses like teeth and horns. So to "defend" themselves they only had one option- to run away. This helped both herbivrous and carnivorous Dinosaurs. Another reason Dinosaurs ran away sometimes was because it was just safer to avoid battle!

6. Armour and leathery skin

All Ankylosaurs (armoured Dinosaurs) had armour. Some Saurapods called Titanosaurs also had armour. Whenever predators were nearby these Dinosaurs would crouch down to protect their vulnerable belly. This protected all of the fleshy parts so predators couldn't get to them. In some Ankylosaurs even the eyelids were covered in armour! Leathery skin isn't such a good defense. It only works for short amount of time but can give some time for the animal to escape.

7. Size

Size is also useful for defense. The larger the animal the less predators an animal has. I'll give you an example. Lets say the Saurapod Brachiosaurus is eating and a hungry Ornitholestes comes out and wishes it can attack it but can't attack it because it's too huge.

8. Bone clubs and whip- like tails

Some Ankylosaurs had bone clubs at the end of their tails. This was a nice addition to armour. Whenever a predator was nearby and wouldn't go away they could smack the enemie's vulnerable shin to deliver fatal damage. Ankylosaurs were not the only Dinosaurs with bone clubs though. Shunosaurus is the only known Saurapod with a bone club. Then we have whip- like tails. Saurapods had whip- like tails for protection. They couldn't hit their enemies with the whip-like tail because their would probaly be too many trees surrounding the animal. Another reason they couldn't wack their tails at their enemies was because it would damage the tissue at the end of the tail. But they could wack their tail at the ground and make a loud cracking sound to scare their enemies away.

9. Herds and packs

Baby Dinosaurs were very vulnerable to predators. Some Dinosaurs traveled in herds or packs to protect the babies. The young Dinosaurs probaly went in the middle and the older Dinosaurs were probaly surrounding them so the predators couldn't get to them.

10. Parents

Some Dinosaurs like Maiasaura and Oviraptor cared for their young and protected the babies. This ment the babies could be protected so they wouldn't have to worry much.

11. Spikes, plates, and scutes

Ankylosaurs and Stegosaurs (spiked/plated Dinosaurs) had spikes, plates, or scutes to protect themselves. The back plates of Stegosaurs made them look larger and warmed their body up. They could also change color to scare away enemies or to attract a mate. Then the real weapon of Stegosaurs were four sharp and deadly spikes located at the end of the tail. The spikes could cause fatal wounds. Ankylosaurs had spikes too but the spikes were part of their armour. They also had scutes. Titanosaurs also had some scutes with some bony knobs on their back.
Dinosaurs protected them self with a scale like skin

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11y ago

That would depend on the type of dinosaur. The massive sauropods, which were long necked herbivores, were protected primarily by their enormous size and safety in numbers. Some dinosaurs, such as Triceratops, had horns which would have been a formidable defense. Other dinosaurs were fast runners, such as Ornithomimus, and thus could have outrun many predators. Many meat eating dinosaurs, such as Tyrannosaurus, show evidence of having fought with others of their own species. In such fights, their teeth, jaws, and claws would have been their weapons of choice, and if defeated they could always try to flee.

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10y ago

Most plant eating dinosaurs, such as hadrosaurs, would have run from a predator that attacked. Stegosaurs couldn't run fast, so they defended themselves using tail spikes that could stab a predator. Ankylosaurs were so heavily armored that predators couldn't bite them, and many had a tail club for self defense, too. Sauropods only had their large size and safety in numbers to protect them. Small carnivores would have fled an attack from a larger carnivore. If they were evenly matched or the smaller one was desperate, they would have resorted to fighting with their teeth and claws.

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10y ago

Different dinosaurs had different methods. Some had spikes, claws, and teeth. Some simply ran into the water. Some hid.

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