

How did dinosaurs stay warm?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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12y ago

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There are a few theories. The most popular one is they stood in sunlight to keep warm, just like modern crocodiles (and other reptiles). Another theory that is not very popular is that they were warm blooded... which is just an amazing idea!

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their 'skin' colours effect it

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The evidence supporting the theory that dinosaurs were warm blooded discussed in Jurassic Park was the use of bird examples. Because of dinosaurs large size, scientists argued that Dinosaurs had to be warm blooded in order to function.

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To keep warm.

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Yes, all dinosaurs are warm blooded.

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No, they were not. There were many other warm blooded species before them. I'm not sure of specific names, but I know that birds were along much longer than the dinosaurs, and birds are warm blooded. Let me clarify from above. According to the currently accepted Evolution Theory, birds evolved from dinosaurs. Birds are warm blooded but dinosaurs, as far as the scientists can tell, were cold blooded.

Why do scienetists think dinosaurs are warm-blooded?

they think they are warm blooded be because their bones shoe that they are warm blooded

Are dinosaurs warm blooded animals or cold blooded animals?

Dinosaurs are a group of reptiles, therefore they are cold-blooded.

Are dinosaurs warm blooded animals or cold blooded?

Dinosaurs are a group of reptiles, therefore they are cold-blooded.

Were there any warm blooded dinosaurs?

All Dinosaurs where Warm-Blooded. It has been discovered because they are mostly predetors and would be hunting continuously, so it would be venerable if it was recharging in the sun if it was a cold-blooded herbivore and would be venerable. So paleontologists think Dinosaurs where Warm-blooded.

How would the dropping tempuratures impact the dinosaurs?

Well because the dinosaurs were adapted to warm weather and they were cold blooded.

Do dinosaurs have could or warm bould?

It is unknown whether dinosaurs were warm or cold blooded. Evidence suggests the former, because some lived in cold climates year round, they grew at a similar rate to warm blooded animals, and their descendants, birds, are warm blooded.

What dinosaur is cold blooded vertebrate that usually lays eggs?

All dinosaurs, including birds, which are considered a group within the clade Dinosauria, laid eggs.It is unknown whether dinosaurs were warm blooded or cold blooded. Possibilities include:All dinosaurs were warm blooded, and none were cold bloodedAll dinosaurs were "lukewarm" blooded, meaning they had some control over their body temperatures, but not as much as modern warm blooded animals, like mammals or birds.All dinosaurs were cold blooded.Some types of dinosaurs were warm blooded while others were lukewarm or cold blooded.The growth rate of dinosaurs as revealed by their fossilized bones and the fact that their anatomies suggest very active lifestyles, which cold blooded animals would not be able to maintain, among other pieces of evidence, strongly suggest that at least theropods were warm blooded, if not all dinosaurs. Theropods were three toed, bipedal dinosaurs, most of which ate meat. Examples includes T-rex, Velociraptor, Allosaurus, Troodon, and Ornithomimus.In other words, it appears most likely that all dinosaurs laid eggs, but they were warm blooded.