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Q: How did Disney changed Wedge Antilles: Canon vs Legends?
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Why hasn't Duffy the Disney Bear caught on in the US?

Maybe because Duffy the Disney Bear never appeared in any Disney Animated Canon.

Is Lion King one of Walt Disney's feature length cartoons?

Yes. The film is part of the Walt Disney Animation canon.

Will all of the Walt Disney Classics canon titles be escaped from the Disney Vault?

All of the Walt Disney Classics canon titles will be escaped from the Vault forever in 2017, the fact is that a major TV movie studio is making a 111-minute made-for-TV movie called "Escape from the Disney Vault" (which is being planned for both this year and the next year).

Do you suppose they will eventually make a Walt Disney Masterpiece including characters from the classics in the Disney Canon?

Probably, I never thought of that, but that is a great idea! Hopefully, they will.

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I dont think you can for PS2. You can for PC though cause I have :)

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In terms of animation in general, ''Who Framed Roger Rabbit'', in terms of the Disney feature animated films canon, ''The Little Mermaid''.

Are banzai shenzi and ed brothers and sisters?

No. In some Disney labeled book they are siblings but that's not created by Disney but bty an outsider and only copyrighted to Disney. So the hyenas' official/canon relationship to each other is utterly unknown. Disney has never revealed any official own vision of the matter.

Is it still canon that boba fett survives the sarlacc after Disney bought Lucasfilm?

It might be. We'll just have to wait until the new film is released in 2015

Why will your canon multipass F50 not print in color?

Your Canon Multipass F50 might not print in color because you have changed the settings and requested "black ink only" or the "grey scale" coloring. It might also be out of colored ink.



What movie is the Disney Studio's biggest financial success?

Toy Story 3 is the highest grossing animated film, followed by the Lion King. So I guess if you mean traditional Disney Animation Canon, the answer is Lion King, but if you include Disney-Pixar, then Toy Story 3!

Who is mufasas dad?

Mufasa's creators nor Disney in gneral have never revealed that information. There is a book labeled by Disney which gives names to Mufasa and Scar's parents but that book was written by an outsider and is the author's original story, and thus not Disney's own vision but only profit fanfiction. The official and canon identity of Mufasa's father is unknown.