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Q: How did early ancient religions have an impact on democracy?
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What is the home of Socrates and early democracy?

ancient greece

What was the impact of the early Roman Empire on the development of Christianity and Judaism?

The early Roman Empire persecuted followers of both religions but ultimately did not stem the growth of either religion. - APEX

What was the home of socrates and an early democracy?

The home of the famous philosopher, Socrates, and also the birthplace of democracy was ancient Athens. Located in the southeastern portion of mainland Greece in the eastern portion of the Mediterranean Basin, Athens enjoyed a Golden (or, Classical) period in which both Socrates and democracy were born. On both counts, civilization has been profoundly influenced -- and is likely to continue to be influenced.

Where did the Democracy begin?

Ancient Greece is credited with creating the first democracies. Although there should be noted that Ancient Greexe wasn't a democracy like we know in the modern world. They weren't particularily egalitarian states, since foreigners, slaves, women, and unpropertied males weren't allowed to vote/participate.

What did the early government of the US have in common with ancient governments?

Nothing. We are talking about different historical periods, different societies and different institutions. In the ancient days there were kings and emperors, which the US do not have. When there was democracy, it was different. It was direct democracy, whereas the US and other modern democracies use indirect democracy. Direct democracy means that instead of electing representatives to vote on laws, people voted on bills themselves (directly) by gathering in popular assemblies to vote.

What were religions in early Europe?

There are numerous amounts of religions and spiritual beliefs in early Europe. Some of the known religions are: Wicca, Druid, various forms of Paganism, and Judaism.

Was Feudalism an early form of democracy?

No there is no connection between the concept of feudalism and democracy.

How frequently did leaders change ancient Greece?

Every year 50 council men were voted. In early ancient Greece democracy the major leaders were voted every 10 years then it was reduced to 6 years and finally reduced more to just one year.

What was the home of the Socrates and early democracy?


Early Greek democracy was classified as what?

Early Greek democracy was a direct democracy. There would be occasional town meetings that took place in the amphitheaters where all citizens could discuss and vote on the issues of the day.

What were the social bases for the democracy of the early mid nineteenth century?

Property & democracy, the Dorr War, Tocqueville on Democracy, the information revolution, the limits on democracy, a racial democracy, and race & class.

Did democracy exist in Greeks?

Yes, an early form of it.