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he was really swole so no one could out bench press him

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Q: How did eisenhower believe the cold war could be won?
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What was Eisenhower's Cold War policy?

Eisenhower's cold war policies was aimed at providing more bang for the buck.

When could president eisenhower have chosen an alternative to containment and the arms race?

In foreign policy President Eisenhower kept the containment policy in the Cold War and ended the Korean War.

What part did President Eisenhower have in Cold War Politics?

He was president during the Cold War.

Who was the cold war us president?

Dwight Eisenhower .

Was Dwight Eisenhower in the Cold War?

Yes he was he sent troops

Who was the first president after the cold war?

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Who were the leaders of the US during the cold war?

They are Ronald Regan and Eisenhower

Did Dwight D. Eisenhower end the cold war?

No. It was going on after he died.

Who were the republican presidents during the cold war?

They were Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan.

What document encouraged containment during the Cold War?

The Eisenhower and Truman Doctrines

What term is related to the cold war policy of president Eisenhower and Dulles?


In what ways did the reaction of Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon mirror previous cold war ideology?

The cold war only started in 1945. Nixon & Johnson were both politicians within 5 years of that time frame. So they were both in the "heat" of the cold war. They didn't mirror the cold war...THEY WERE THE COLD WAR; Eisenhower was at the beginning, Kennedy was advised by Eisenhower, then Johnson & Nixon. Although President Truman was actually the US president when WWII ended & the cold war began, he was transitioning from the pre-atomic age to the atomic age (before 1945 & after 1945/1945 is the beginning of the atomic age). Eisenhower actually began to take over the reins in the midst (1952 presidential campaign) of the "cold war" with the "hot" battle of the Korean War taking place, "...I shall go to Korea!" (Eisenhower). Dwight Eisenhower was our first (non-transitioning) cold war president. Johnson & Nixon were our 3rd and 4th cold war presidents.