

How did elephantiasis get its name?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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14y ago

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elephant- (describes a large mammal with thick, almost hairless skin, a long, flexible, prehensile trunk, upper incisors forming long curved tusks of ivory, and, in the African species, large fan-shaped ears) -iasis (process or resulting condition)

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What is Elephantiasis' scientific name?

Elephantiasis' scientific name is lymphatic filariasis. It is a parasitic disease caused by thread-like worms transmitted to humans through the bite of infected mosquitoes.

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Where any of your apendages can get to be over 300 pounds.

What is a major symptom of elephantiasis?

A major symptom of elephantiasis is the swelling of the arms and the legs.

Is elephantiasis an air-borne disease?

No, elephantiasis is caused by microscopic parasitic threadlike worms

Is elephantiasis DNA OR RNA?

Elephantiasis is caused by a microfilarial nematode (very small worm).

What does elephantiasis mostly result from?

The agents responsible for most of the elephantiasis in the world are filarial worms

What does elephantiasis usually do to a person?

Elephantiasis is a disease that causes thickening of the skin and tissue. Elephantiasis can cause certain body parts to swell to the size of a soccer ball or basketball.

What type of worm causes elephantiasis?

the Filarial round worm causes elephantiasis

How does elephantiasis get its name?

Limbs can swell so enormously that they resemble an elephant's foreleg in size, texture, and color

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