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that Darcy was jealous of whickam and that Darcy was angry that his own father left whickam money.

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Very well, as she ignored the fact that is was not a truthful account of the facts. She was therefore compassionate and very outraged at Darcy's behaviour.

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Q: How did elizabeth respond when Wickham explained his troubled relationship with mr darcy?
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What passes between darcy and wickham?

Darcy and Wickham had history. They had been raised together, and Darcy learned to distrust Wickham because of his bad habits, such as gambling. Wickham was to inherit a position on Darcy's estate, but asked to take money instead, which he was given. After he gambled this away, he came back for more, which was refused. He then tried to elope with Darcy's sister, and almost succeeded. In the book, they clearly do not want to be near each other. Wickham tells lies to Elizabeth and others about their connection, and Elizabeth takes sides without close examination of the truth. Later, when Darcy has reason to defend his honor on the subject, he sets the record straight, convincing Elizabeth of the truth. When Wickham elopes with Elizabeth's sister, Lydia, Darcy hunts them down and bribes Wickham to marry her for the sake of the honor of the family, to ease Elizabeth's pain on the subject. This is expensive, as it means purchasing an army commission, paying off Wickham's debts, and providing some amount of cash.

Why did Elizabeth's feelings toward Mr Darcy begin to change?

Her feelings towards him began to change because she realized just how wrong she was about him. Everything that she had once thought was true about him was actually wrong. His pride was well deserved and all his dealings with Wickham had be just and fair.

Why does Mrs Gardiner warn Elizabeth not to fall in love with Wickham?

Mrs. Gardiner is concerned that Elizabeth might fall in love with Wickham because neither has any money, and neither have any great inheritance coming. The result of this is if they married, they would have to live on Wickham's income from the army, which would probably not be very great. The result would be that they would have to live much more frugally than Elizabeth had ever done.

What effect does Darcy's letter have on Elizabeth?

Darcy's letter causes Elizabeth to reflect on the things she thinks about both him and Wickham. She comes to the conclusion that Wickham is untrustworthy and Darcy is not as bad as she had thought.

Who is darcy looking for and why in Pride and Prejudice?

Mr.Darcy is actually from Pemberly which we learn is near Derbyshire. His hoiuse or residence is not exactly in Derbyshire but a little on the aside. In the later part of the novel ,Elizabeth goes with her aunt and uncle to the lakes but cant make it there so instead they check out Derbyshire and hence Darcys house

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Which sister was advised by Mrs Gardiner that would not be a good idea to have a romantic relationship with George Wickham?

Mrs. Gardiner advised Elizabeth Bennet, the second eldest sister, against pursuing a romantic relationship with George Wickham in Jane Austen's novel Pride and Prejudice. She warned Elizabeth about Wickham's reputation and lack of good character.

Which sister was advised by gardiner that it would not be a good idea to have a romantic relationship with George wickham?


Which sister was advised to mrs gardiner that it would not be a good idea to have a romantic relationship with george wickham?


What does wickham relate to Elizabeth about his relationship with darcy?

Wickham tells Elizabeth that Darcy denied him the living promised to him by their father, causing him financial strain and professional setbacks. Wickham paints himself as a victim and Darcy as an oppressive and unfair figure in their shared history.

When Wickham and Elizabeth first meet what report does Wickham give Elizabeth about Darcy?

Wickham tells Elizabeth that Darcy denied him a promised living and that he had been ill-treated by him and cheated out of his inheritance. Wickham portrays Darcy in a negative light, leading Elizabeth to form a negative opinion of him.

How did elizabeth learn about the details of Lydia and george wickhams marriage?

Mrs. Gardiner sent Elizabeth the details in a letter.

Pride and Prejudice What makes Elizabeth cross at the start of the Netherfield ball?

Elizabeth was cross because Wickham was not at the ball, and because Wickham's absence resulted from the fact that Darcy was there. Elizabeth, at that time, believed Wickham had been injured socially and financially by Darcy and had no idea that Wickham was actually avoiding Darcy because he did not what his own guilty past exposed.

When did wickham and elizabeth first meet?

From a letter sent to her by Jane.

Did elizabeth believe in wickham for so long?

Yes, Elizabeth initially believed Wickham's account of Darcy's misconduct due to her prejudice against Darcy. However, as she learned more about Wickham's true character and Darcy's actions, she eventually realized the truth and came to see Wickham's deceit.

On the regiments last day in Meryton what do Elizabeth and Wickham discuss?

Elizabeth and Wickham discuss Mr. Darcy's character and Wickham's claim that Mr. Darcy wronged him by denying him a proper living. Wickham paints himself as the victim in the situation, while Elizabeth starts to question Wickham's true intentions.

Did Jane or elizabeth ever send Lydia money after she married wickham?

No, Jane and Elizabeth did not send Lydia money after she married Wickham. It was Mr. Darcy who provided financial assistance to ensure Lydia and Wickham's marriage could take place and to settle their debts.

What did elizabeth notice about Lydia and wickhams behavior?

Elizabeth noticed that Lydia and Wickham seemed particularly close, flirting openly and behaving recklessly. She observed that Wickham paid special attention to Lydia and that they shared a flirtatious rapport that made Elizabeth uneasy.