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she was shocked

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Q: How did esperanza feel when she saw the wagon?
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why did mama faint in Esperanza rising?

T**hey have Papa's body in the back of the wagon.**

What was brought back in the wagon in Esperanza Rising?

A body

How did esperanza and mama hide in the wagon?

Esperanza and Mama hid underneath the wagon bed among the hay and boxes to avoid being seen as part of the group crossing the border. They remained still and quiet as the wagon was checked by the soldiers so they wouldn't be discovered.

What surprised esperanza so much when she saw her mother in the morning?

Because she had a dog

How does esperanza spend her birthday in the book Esperanza Rising?

Esperanza spends her birthday in the book "Esperanza Rising" by having a party with her family and friends. They celebrate with music, dancing, and delicious food. It is a joyous occasion that brings the community together and allows Esperanza to feel loved and supported.

What does esperanza put on her hands to make them feel better?

Esperanza puts Vaseline on her hands to make them feel better.

Who did tom think huck was when he saw him in the wagon on the road?

Tom initially assumes Huck is a ghost when he sees him in the wagon on the road.

How did esperanza feel when sally went into the garden with the boys?

Esperanza felt abandoned and betrayed by Sally's actions, as she was left alone and vulnerable. She was also confused and hurt by the situation.

What does esperanza see during the drive?

Esperanza see's workers in the field.

In Esperanza Rising what happens in the wagon?

Here's the plan: The men have built a false floor in the wagon. The women will lie down in the space between the floors, so that no one will see them leaving town. They'll take the cart to Zacatecas and catch the train there.

What is the surprise that Alfonso and Miguel have for Esperanza and Mama in the book Esperanza rising?

Alfonso and Miguel surprise Esperanza and Mama with a new room they have prepared for them in their home, complete with special touches and decorations. This gesture shows their love and appreciation for Esperanza and Mama, and their desire to make them feel welcome and at home.

How did Esperanza feel about Miguel when mama touched her hand?

Esperanza felt a spark of electricity between her and Miguel when Mama touched her hand. She realized that there was potential for a romantic connection between her and Miguel.