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Q: How did europeans react once the war began?
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What was the first state Hitler attacked?

Poland in 1939. This actually began the war for the Europeans.

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Once the US Civil War began, Senator Douglas supported the war in order to keep the Union whole.

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the native population was destroyed by European colonization, once they began interacting with each other trade and war both erupted between the groups, disease being the number one killer by far due to the natives having no resistance to the European diseases, followed by war with Europeans.

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the native population was destroyed by European colonization, once they began interacting with each other trade and war both erupted between the groups, disease being the number one killer by far due to the natives having no resistance to the European diseases, followed by war with Europeans.

What was the role of the women once the war began?

producing more soldiers!

What did the war become once participating countries began devoting all of their resources to the war effort?

World War or Total War .

What did the war become once the war efforts the participating countries began devoting all of their resources?

World War or Total War .

What did the war become once the participating countries began devoting all their resources to the war effort?

World War or Total War .

How was America different after the war of 1812?

It once again began traid with Britain.

What did world war 1 become once the participating countries began devoting all of their resources to the war effort?

The answer is "Total War":)

What did the wat become once the participating countries began devoting all of their resources to the war effort?

"World War" .

What was Lincoln's number 1 goal for the US once the Civil War began?

Unification of the States