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Q: How did farmers payoff debts in the 1920s?
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What happened to farmers debts during the 1920s?

the debts were erased because of the dsl tarrifs

Describe the farmers situation in the 1920s?

Demand for crops fell as farmers' debts rose.

Describes the situation of farmers in the 1920s?

Demand for crops fell as farmers' debts rose.

What describes the situation of farmers in 1920s?

Demand for crops fell as farmers' debts rose.

Why did farmers experience financial problems during the roaring twenties?

During the 1920s the farmers' debts increased as a result of the crash of the stock markets. This is the period in history which was known as the Great Depression.

One of the major problems facing farmers in the 1920s was?

One of the major problems facing farmers in the 1920's was overproduction. Farmers were heavily in debt to pay for new, expensive machinery and began growing more produce in an attempt to cover their debts. Sales of agricultural goods saw a decline in the 1920's leaving the farmers with high debts and decreased sales.

What was the situation of farmers in the 1920s?

Demands for crops fell as farmers debt rose.

What were causes of economic difficulties for farmers during the 1920s?


What group of people did not prosper in the 1920s'?

African Americans and farmers

What happened to farmers debts The great depression and the new deal?

The Dust Bowl swept the farmers plants causing people to suffer with great money loss because many farmers couldn't pay for their debts when they borrowed money.

Why were the 1920s a difficult time for many farmers in the US?

Same reason the 1920s were difficult for all Americans. Alcohol was illegal. ;)

Why did many farmers move to the cities during the 1920s?

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