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it made there feet swell up and there bones not devolop properly

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Q: How did foot binding physically affect women?
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Who invented foot binding?

Foot binding was a practice that originated in China over a thousand years ago. It was practiced in the country until the early 1900s.

What is Chinese foot binding?


The ancient Chinese custom that affected women which was considered beautiful and feminine but painful and often crippling?

The binding of the Feet was a custom of the upper class in China. It may have started as early as the 13th Century, and is known to have continued in a limited fashion into the 1950's. More than just binding was involved. The arch of the foot had to be broken prior to the binding! This was a very painful process.

Why did women bind their feet?

An indication that men understood that the symbolic erotic fantasy of bound feet did not correspond to its unpleasant physical reality, which was therefore to be kept hidden. For men, the primary erotic effect was a function of the lotus gait, the tiny steps and swaying walk of a woman whose feet had been bound. Women with such deformed feet avoided placing weight on the front of the foot and tended to walk predominantly on their heels. As a result, women who underwent foot-binding walked in a careful, cautious, and unsteady manner. The very fact that the bound foot was concealed from men's eyes was, in and of itself, sexually appealing. On the other hand, an uncovered foot would also give off a foul odor, as various saprobic microorganisms would colonize the unwashable folds.

Does foot binding still happen?

A painful process where Chinese women wrapped a bandage tightly around their feet, forcing the four small toes under the sole of the foot. This made the feet narrower and shorter and bowed the arch of the foot. It was done because it was thought to be beautiful.For the answer: NO! It was ban before the 1950's i think. Here it is: After 30 years fight - by vomen reformers and missionaires - footbinding was prohibitet in 1912you were right but actually 1949

Related questions

Do women and men practice foot binding?

Foot binding was a custom practiced on young girls and women for (approximately) 1,000 years.

What custom was practiced by women in southern China?

Foot binding.

Name of the feet practice women had to do in Ancient China?

foot binding

What social group did missionaries from china benefit?

women, by banning foot binding.

How did foot binding distinguish various classes in China?

Foot Binding was also used to distinguish various classes in China (especially aristocrats and the wealthy), because the men who married wives who had foot binding needed to be wealthy enough to support the wife and the family. That is why the wealthy in the Ming dynasty and the Qing dynasty practiced foot binding on women.

What was the ancient Chinese custom the affected women and was considered beautiful but was painful and often crippling?

Foot binding

How long did foot binding?

Foot binding lasted for approx. 1000 years.

How many women were victims of foot binding in china?

It is unknown how many women had their feet bound during the hundreds of years it was practiced in China (700 AD to the early 20th century. From the wealthiest women who started it, foot binding was also practiced by the poorest populations. It was banned about a hundred years ago, but there are still older women whose feet were bound as children.

What is so wrong about foot binding?

the point of foot binding was to make womens feet smaller by tying them up while they were developing. This made it difficult and painful to walk in later life, which restricted the freedom of the women who had their feet bound.

What was the ancient Chinese custom that affected women which was considered beautiful and feminine but painful and often crippling?

Foot binding

What things changed for women after Mao came to power?

Mao Zedong also declared that women have equal rights to men and banned foot binding.

Is foot binding part of a religion?

Foot binding is not a religious practice but rather a cultural tradition that was practiced in ancient China. It was a way to signify beauty and social status, as small feet were considered desirable. It was eventually banned in the early 20th century due to the physical harm it caused to women.