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They included the bill the other party wanted to ensure it would be created.

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it can be chsnged by the

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Q: How did the framers ensure the Constitution could be adapted?
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How did framers of the Constitution ensure that a strong military could not threaten the new democracy?

They established civilian control of the military.

How did the framers of the constitution ensure that a strong military could not threaten the new democracy?

They established civilian control of the military.

How might the farmers of the constitution have helped to ensure that more citizens had a voice in government?

Framers of the Constitution did the best they could, It is the modern day interpreters of the Constitution that precipitate questions and concerns like this. kapm

What experiences led the framers of the constitution to ensure that no one person or group in the government could gain too much power?

hey hey

What could be a sentence with the word framers?

The framers of the Constitution were careful to establish a system of checks and balances between the three branches of government.

Why did the founding fathers create a Constitution that could be adapted for the future?

The founders created a Constitution that could be adapted for the future through amendments. Popular sovereignty is what gives the Constitution this much power.

What were the intentions of the framers of the constitution for the house and the senate?

for many people that could bulied and see what did it and not

Why did the framers of the constitution develop a structure of government with three branches?

The framers of the Constitution developed a structure of government with ranches so that no one could hold absolute power. There is a system of checks and balances in place.

The Framers provided this section of the constitution for a changing nation amendments?

The amendment process was added so the constitution could change and grow.

The framers of the Constitution intended to create a presidency capable of what?

The framers wanted a presidency that could withstand intense popular pressure. It set out to accomplish this by having the president elected via the electoral college.

Why is important for the constitution to remain a living document?

If the Constitution isn't adapted to the times in which we live, then it can't be applied to many present day circumstances (such as recording industry copyright law, internet commerce issues, and many, many others). The Founding Fathers could not have anticipated the internet, for example. Thus, the Constitution must keep up with the times via Supreme Court rulings and interpretations, as well as amendments to the Constitution itself.

Why did the framers of the US Constitution make impeachment such a difficult procedure?

The framers of the Constitution made impeachment difficult so that no one could impeach their leader on a whim. It requires a significant reason and semi-lengthy process to remove the president from office. Therefore, the process should not be a convenient way to dominate the executive branch. With that in mind, the Framers made it more difficult than the impeachment process of the UK.