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Q: How did hoovers depression programs reflect his belief in rugged individualism and self-reliance?
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How did Hoovers belief in rugged individualism shape his policies during the Great Depression?

Hoover's belief in rugged individualism shaped his policies based on self government and equal opportunity with little charity.

What did Hoovers public work programs do for the US?


President hoovers overall plan to deal with the great depression was to?

allow voluntary actions to resolve it

What were some of Hoovers economic ideas?

He had the Stimulus Economics, the Trickle down Economics, and Rugged Individualism. The only actual good economic idea he had however, was the Hoover Dam.

What statement best describes Herbert hoovers first response to the nation's economic crisis?

the government should allow the depression to progress naturally

What are hoovers?

A Hoover pocket, also called a Hoover flag, was when people would pull out the flaps of their pockets to show that they had no money. It originated from the Great Depression.

How did the economy respond to hoovers efforts?

Hoover bailed out the failing banks and big businesses with Federal money. The result was a market crash, and the Great Depression.

Did ancient Rome have Hoovers?

No. Hoovers are a recent invention. They were invented in the in the 20th century.

Where can one find more information about Henry Hoovers?

Henry Hoovers are a popular vacuum in the USA and other parts of the world. More information could be found about Henry Hoovers by visiting the Hoovers homepage online or by contacting your local vacuum company.

What is the best deal on Hoovers?

The best deal on Hoovers can be typically found at Best Buy or at the Hoovers website. Waiting for a big sale such as Black Friday will get ensure the best deal.

What programs did Hoover make during the Great Depression?

President made many programs during the Great Depression such as the Mexican Repatriation which fought against mass unemployment. Hoover also created the Hoover Moratorium which halted all repartriation payments from Germany to France. He continued to create the Emergency Relief and Construction Act which gave funds for public working. He also started the Federal Home and Bank Loan Act which created the contstruction of new home to prevent foreclosures. Although he created many programs and had good intentions, most of Hoovers plans failed and is looked down upon as a president. Source:

What statement best describes herbert hoovers first responce to the nations economic crisis?

I wish I could answer this for you, but we don't have the statement about Hoover. His handing of the depression was very poor. That is why out of work men created "Hooverville ."