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It derives from the word's meaning: "measure".

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Q: How did inventors decide on using the word meter for the metric system?
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Related questions

How did the inventors of the metric system decide on using the word meter?

The French word "mètre" simply means "measure".

What unit in the metric system is meters equal to?

The meter is in the metric system

What is the difference between the US Customary System and the Metric System?

The customary units are ones we use everyday. metric units usually have the word meter on it. my teacher taught me meter metric no meter no metric.

What is the difference between a linear meter and a metric meter?

A linear meter is a meter, in a straight line, as opposed to cubic meter, which covers a 2-dimensional plane. They are both part of the metric system. There is no metric meter, other than just referring to a meter as being part of the metric system.

How much is a square meter in the metric system?

It already is part of the metric system

What is length in metric system?

The meter.

Is the meter the basic unit of volume in the metric system?

The answer is cubic meter.

What is the basic of length in the metric system?


What is the metric system doing in math?

The metric system in Math is a system of measurement that is based on the second, kilogram and meter.

What is the international system of units?

The SI unit of length is the meter or metre.

What does 1 meter in the metric system equal in the customary system?

1 meter = 39.3701 inches.

What is the metric conversion of length?

The basic unit of length in the metric system is the meter.