

How did it affect World War 2 when the US joined Britain?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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17y ago

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Try logging on the the Imperial War Museum website - this site also has useful links

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Q: How did it affect World War 2 when the US joined Britain?
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well, they joined when britain was at war

Who join world war 2 with Britain?

France joined on the Allies side with Britain.

When did Scotland join World War 1?

Scotland is part of Britain and when Britain declared war (August 1, 1914), Scotland automatically joined the war.

Great Britain joined World War 1 by declaring war on Germany when Germany invaded neutral?

Britain had a treaty to protect the neutrality of Belgium.

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which war?

Did Britain help France in world war 1?

No, France gave in to Germany, and Germany then took over France. We did not help them. Not in World War I, the war the question asks about. Britain joined France in its fight againt Germany during the first World War.

Why did Great Britain and France join World War 2?

Britain and France joined the war, becaus Germany invaded Poland. The reason for this is that Britain and France had a pact with Poland, Denmark and Belgium.

What official reason did Britain declare war on Germany?

Britain declared war on Germany because Germany attacked Belgium in order to strategically invade France. Britain vowed to protect Belgium, so Britain joined World War I.

What side did Italy joined during World War 1?

The Allies, i.e Britain, France etc.

What triggered Britain's involvement in World War 2?

Britain Joined WWII because Hitler would not withdraw his troops from Poland so Neville Chamberlain declared war.

What year did the U.S. join Britain and France in World War 2?

The 8th of December 1941 was the date that the US joined world war 2