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Q: How did justice Marshall justify ruling that Dartmouth charter was a contract?
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What justice had a grandfather who was on the Supreme Court?

Justice John Marshall Harlan II (1955-1971) was the grandson of Justice John Marshall Harlan (1877-1911). Interestingly, both men were deliberately named after the great Chief Justice John Marshall (1801-1835).

What was Thurgood Marshall's Jobs?

Thurgood Marshall was a justice on the Supreme Court of the United States. He was the first African- American ever to be appointed as a justice.

Did US Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall call Justice Clarence Thomas a traitor to his race?

No, he did not. In fact, shortly after Clarence Thomas was confirmed to the Court, Justice Thurgood Marshall told Justice Thomas that "I had to do in my time what I had to do, and you have to do in your time what you have to do." Justice Marshall acknowledged the differences in their perspectives, but they respected each other.

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What tribe did Chief Justice John Marshall protect?

Chief Justice John Marshall tried unsuccessfully to get the federal government to protect the Cherokee Nation.

Who was the chief justice in 1819?

The Chief Justice of the United States in 1819 was John Marshall.

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what principles of government are evident in the way justice Marshall changed the role of judicary

When did Chief Justice John Marshall serve?

Chief Justice John Marshall presided over the US Supreme Court from 1801 until his death in 1835.

What did chief justice Marshall's landmark decision to the power of federal government?

Chief Justice Marshall is best known for his opinion in Marbury v. Madison, (1803).

Thurgood marshall's parents?

Thurgood Marshall was the Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court. William Marshall was Thurgood Marshall's father and Norma Africa Marshall was his mother.