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Many businessmen and financiers did not support the economic measures of the New Deal. With the recession of 1937, many business leaders and politicians claimed that FDR's policies were a failure and the attempt to maintain prosperity during peacetime was not successful at all.

Many felt that the Depression was just part of the free enterprise (capitalistic) system correcting itself and the laws, such as supply and demand, of the free enterprise system would eventually heal the economy. There were some radical proposals. Huey Long (The Kingfish) from Louisiana gained some support for his "Share the Wealth" program. Dr. Townsend proposed a monthly pension plan in which the federal government would pay a pension to all people over 60 years of age. The pensioners would have to spend all the monthly pension before getting the next months check, and they could not work. Father Coughlin was a Roman Catholic priest who had a radio program. He proposed a complete overhaul of the monetary system, including abolition of the Federal Reserve System.

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  • The New Deal provided jobs for people who wouldn't have had them and improved the nation's infrastructure.
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Q: How did liberal and conservative critics differ in their opposition to the new deal?
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How does the approach of art critic differ from the approach of an art historian?

They arent used by art critics and historians

How did political developments in Great Britain differ from those in other European countries during the 19th century?

Great Britain gradually underwent a series of liberal reforms

How does independent differ from republican and democrat?

If you are a true independent in politics, you do not vote for the party, you vote for the individual that comes closest to your ideas and beliefs. On the average, the Democrats are considered more liberal and the Republicans are considered more conservative. However, there are liberal Republicans and conservative Democrats. The Republicans tend to favor less government and the Democrats tend to favor more government, when dealing with domestic problems and individual and states' rights. Republicans tend to favor economic laws that regulate as little as possible. Democrats favor legislation that regulates industry for the protection of the consumer. Democrats tend to favor some sort of government aid for those individuals who need assistance. Republicans tend to favor was to help the states and local, private charities help individuals in need. Libertarians believe in a strong support of individual civil liberties, private property and the free market economy with little government intervention. They favor the least amount of government interference. They believe the individual should be left alone to do as he/she wishes, as long as there is no harm to any other person or group.

What does opposition mean?

resistance expressed in an action or argument. resistance, hostility, objection, etc.1. (n.)oppositionthe action of opposing, resisting, or combating.2. oppositionantagonism or hostility.3. oppositiona person or group of people opposing, criticizing, or protesting something, someone, or another group.4. opposition(sometimes cap.) the major political party opposed to the party in power and seeking to replace it.5. oppositionthe act of placing opposite, or the state or position of being placed opposite.6. oppositionthe act of opposing, or the state of being opposed by way of comparison or contrast.7. oppositionthe relation between two propositions in logic that have the same subject and predicate, but which differ inquantity or quality, or in both.8. oppositionthe situation of two heavenly bodies when their longitudes or right ascensions differ by 180°:The moon is in opposition to the sun when the earth is directly between them.9. oppositionthe relationship between two alternative units within a linguistic system.

In what way did Democratic patriots such as Thomas Paine differ from conservative patriots in there view of republics as a form of government?

In the life of Paine those parties didn't exist. There were no Democrats or Republicans until 1860 a hundred years after Paine.

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