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Q: How did mercantilism lead to revolution?
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The Commercial Revolution led to the adoption of mercantilism in Europe, while the Industrial Revolution contributed to the end of mercantilism.

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What war was between the thirteen colonies and British mercantilism?

The American Revolution was the war between the thirteen colonies and British mercantilism.

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What did mercantilism lead to?

Mercantilism lead to the catalog sales book. People that did not find what they wanted in the mercantile store, could order it out of a catalog. The first such catalog of this type was printed by the Sears Roebuck Company.

How did the idea of mercantilism lead to the age of exploration?

because trading was happening

How did mercantilism cause the American revolution?

American colonists thought British taxes were unfair.

How did mercantilism and social political inequalities provoke resentment in American revolution?

Idk 😐

How did mercantilism affect colonies after the french and Indian war?

Mercantilism affected them because it was one of the main reasons for the American Revolution. We were told that we could trade with no one but England and we got mad.

Which revolution did Robespierre lead?

The French Revolution.

What did the agricultural revolution lead to?

industrial revolution

What lead the American revolution?

What lead to the American Revolution was that Britain did not take care of the colonies as the should have.