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Q: How did mercantilism motivated European nation to colonize the new world?
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What did the belief in mercantilism encourage European countries to do?

the goal of every nation was to become as wealthy as possible

Which nation first explored and claimed Georgia?

Trick question. The first nation to explore, claim, and settle what is now the state of Georgia was the Cherokee Nation. The first European nation to land on what is now Georgia was Spain. The first European nation to colonize it was England; it was a penal colony.

Why do countries imperialize?

Most nations imperialize or colonize in order to gain the resources of the other nation. Usually, one nation will not colonize another if that nation will fight against it.

What was a characteristic of mercantilism government?

Mercantilism was about building up the nation's wealth in terms of hard cash.

What European nations tried to colonize the US?

No European nation has tried to colonize any territory over which the independent country of the United States had ever laid claim. However, England, France, Spain, Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Russia, and Germany are all European countries that all colonized territories that have since become part of the United States.

What Eupopean nation colonized Malaysia?

Malaysia is a country in South East Asia. The Portuguese were the first European country to colonize Malaysia capturing the city of Malacca in 1511.

The Monroe doctorine declared that?

The Monroe Doctrine declared that the US would not allow any European Nation to colonize North or South America. It was issued by President Monroe.

Which European nation attempted to colonize Haiti and left an ongoing cultural legacy on Haitian society?

France attempted to colonize Haiti and had a significant cultural impact on Haitian society due to the establishment of French language, colonial architecture, and Catholic religion in the region.

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What are the basic beliefs of mercantilism?

The basic beliefs of Mercantilism included that wealth of a nation came mostly from its possession of gold and silver.