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Q: How did mother Teresa came over the challenge of no money or somewhere to live when she went to rome?
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How did Mother Teresa get the money to go to India?

Mother Teresa was originally sent to India by the Sisters of Loreto who paid for her passage.

Why did Mother Teresa give all her money away to the poor?

Mother Teresa gave her whole life to God, one of the ways that she did this was in serving the poor, but her whole dedication in life was to God. She never had any money, she was a sister, vowed to poverty.

How was Mother Teresa's lifestyle?

she exchanged fame and money to live amungst her brothers and sisters (the poor).

Was Mother Teresa honest?

There are many shades of honesty, and even a saint should be subject to honest scrutiny.It is no doubt true that Mother Teresa was honest in that she never actually stole. It may be true that she never told a lie, although surely everyone does sometimes. Nevertheless, on these scores, we can say that Mother Teresa was surely honest.Christopher Hitchens says that money donated to help the poor and for Mother Teresa's hospices was instead used to open new convents and to undertake missionary work. If true, this claim shows Mother Teresa to have been far from honest. Money donated for the specific purpose of helping the poor and suffering must be used for that purpose, no matter how important Mother Teresa perceived her religious work to be. Collete Livermore, a former nun in Mother Teresa's order, appears to support Hitchens' assertion.

Did Mother Teresa take the money from the Nobel Peace Prize?

Yes, she took the $190,000 prize money and used it to expand her services to the poor.

Who helped Mother Teresa in her work?

Mother Teresa was assisted by the many members of the Missionaries of Charity, both lay and religious, Catholic and non Catholic. She was also helped by thousands of people around the world who donated money to support her work.

How much money did Mother Teresa win from the Nobel Peace Prize?

She was awarded $190,000 which she used to expand her ministry to the poor.

What was Mother Teresa's biggest obstacle?

Some of her biggest obstacles were not having enough money to carry out her intentions. Another obstacle was her health.

What was Mother Teresa employed as?

Mother Teresa was not employed as in "a job for money", her vocation or calling was as a superior of a women's religious order of sisters (She was not a nun, nuns are cloistered religious under solemn vows who live in a monastery). Her religious Order was founded to care for the sick and dying.

What did Mother Theresa do with Nobel Prize money?

Mother Teresa donated all of her Nobel Peace Prize money to the poor and needy in India.

Why did Mother Teresa not have enough money to carry out her intentions and her health condition was not good?

A:It is not really true that Mother Teresa did not have enough money to carry out her intentions. It was important in order to maximise the flow of donations that Mother Teresa's order always appear not to have enough money for the services it provided for the poor.Her facilities were designed not only to operate on a shoestring, but to appear to do so. An example of this was when Mother Teresa planned to convert a building in New York that had been donated to her order into a shelter for homeless men. Her order could easily have afforded to modify the building and install an elevator as required by state law, but refused. The City of New York offered to fund installation of the elevator, but "Mother" still refused on the grounds that an elevator was a "luxury", and that the sisters of the order could easily carry disabled men up and down the stairs. Her order's ostentatious humility was more important than allowing disabled persons some measure of independence and self-determination.When Mother Teresa's own health began to fail, she attended renowned medical clinics in the United States, Europe, and India, where she went for modern and expensive treatment. When Mother Teresa died, her bedroom in the order's Motherhouse had been specially fitted out for her with costly and sophisticated cardiac equipment.

Where did Mother Teresa go to college?

She didn't attend college. She would have become a nun by the time she was going to college and also people of the time did not have enough money to go to college.