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Movable type enabled faster and cheaper reproduction of written material, making it easier to mass-produce books and distribute them widely. This helped increase literacy rates and made knowledge more accessible to a larger audience, ultimately playing a significant role in the spread of knowledge during the Renaissance and beyond.

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Q: How did movable type help the spread of knowledge?
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How did the invention of the movable type change society?

The invention of movable type by Johannes Gutenberg allowed for the mass production of books, leading to an increase in literacy and the spread of knowledge. It revolutionized communication and played a key role in the spread of ideas during the Renaissance and Reformation periods.

How did movable type help spread renaissance ideas?

i don't know i am a dumb person u know!!

How did movable type help the Chinese to record knowledge in a permanent form?

it helped by saving time and making everything easier

How did movable type help the Chinese to record their knowledge a permanent form?

it helped by saving time and making everything easier

Who is the traditionally given credit for inventing movable type?

Johannes Gutenberg is traditionally credited with inventing movable type in Europe in the 15th century. His innovation revolutionized the printing process and is considered a key development in the spread of knowledge and information through printed materials.

What year did Johannes Gutenburg invent the printing from movable type?

Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press with movable type around 1440. His invention revolutionized the way information was disseminated and contributed to the spread of knowledge and ideas during the Renaissance and beyond.

What tang and song inventions eventually spread and revolutionized printing?

movable type

The first use of movable type was in?

The first use of movable type was in China during the Song Dynasty, attributed to Bi Sheng in the 11th century. It allowed for the printing of individual characters on separate pieces, which could be rearranged to form different texts. This innovation revolutionized printing and contributed to the spread of knowledge and literacy.

In what trade was Gutenberg?

as a goldsmith

Who first invented movable type?

Johannes Gutenberg is credited with inventing movable type printing in the 15th century, which revolutionized the spread of information by making book production faster and more efficient.

The first full sized book printed with movable type and a printing press?

The Gutenberg Bible, printed by Johannes Gutenberg in the 1450s, is often regarded as the first major book printed with movable type and a printing press. This innovation revolutionized the way books were produced, making them more accessible to a wider audience and significantly impacting the spread of knowledge and information in Europe.

In which year printing machine started?

The first printing machine using movable type was invented by Johannes Gutenberg around 1440 in Germany. This invention revolutionized the way information was shared and helped pave the way for the spread of knowledge during the Renaissance and beyond.