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Q: How did newfound prosperity change American life in the 1920s?
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How did the prosperity of the 1920s affect American culture?

Because the areas have still changed american renaissance

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During the 1920s women expressed their newfound freedom by wearing .?

Shorter clothes

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The prosperity of the 1920s opened new job opportunities for women in business offices, retail stores, factories, and various professions.

What event ended the economic prosperity of the 1920?

The stock market crash of 1929 put an end to the prosperity of the 1920s in the United States.

What event ended the prosperity of the 1920?

The Great Depression ended the economic prosperity of the 1920s.

What group did not share in the prosperity of the 1920s?

There were several groups did not share in the prosperity of the 1920s. One of those groups were sharecroppers of the deep South. They were still poverty stricken.

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Who claimed credit for 1920s economic prosperity?

The Republicans

What basic economic and political policies were pursued by the three conservative republican administrations of the 1920s?

The basic economic and political policies that were pursued by the three conservative republican administrations in the 1920s was enhanced american prosperity.

What evidence suggests that the prosperity of the 1920s was not on a firm foundation?

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