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Q: How did opportunities change for women in the work place?
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What was the perspective of women who founded the National Women Organization in 1966?

Women wanted to receive equal pay and opportunities for advancement in the work place.

How did the end of the war affect women in the work place?

it ended economic opportunities for woman. -nova net

How did the end of the war affect the women in the work place?

it ended economic opportunities for woman. -nova net

How did war effect women in the work force?

one of the two it ended economic opportunities for women or it forced women to fight agains men for work

Hiw did urban life alter the condition of women in 1865 to 1900?

For women a big change was that they did not have to do work that altered around raising a family and running a home. They were obliged to work in factories. Better-off women who did not have to go out to work were considered to have a supportive rather than an economic role. Women had opportunities to support themselves even if they were married or not.

How were women treated in the work place during the new deal brings new opportunities?

they set the wages lower, hired more men. while civilian conservation crops hired only men.

How did the New Deal place women at a disadvantage?

The New Deal put women at a disadvantage in the work place.

What was a popular place for city women to shop anad work in the early 1900s?

Department stores, such as Macy's and Marshall Field's, were popular places for city women to shop and work in the early 1900s. These stores offered a wide variety of goods and provided employment opportunities for women in roles such as sales associates, buyers, and clerical staff.

Why are women so successful today in different occupation?

Because society, and culture excepts women to work and have equal opportunities as men, if not more in my opinion.

What is reasonable accommodations?

A change in the work environment or in normal work processes that enables an individual with a disability to have equal employment opportunities

How did the position of women change between 1870 and 1914?

During these periods women gained privileges in the work force because during WWI b/c of the lack of men for the work force women had to work and gained a place in society. This was not a true lasting effect but it helped progress their causes.

In the 1890s what job opportunities were available to uneducated women without industrial skills?

By doing domestic work, such as cleaning for their families