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Q: How did or will the extinction of the Tasmanian wolf affect other membersof the habitat?
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Deforestation affects Hawaii the same way it affects the rest of the world. Animals are displaced from their homes and many face extinction because their habitat is being destroyed.

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human activity such as littering can affect the extinction of plants and animals in many ways. the plants can take in the harmful chemicals from products left around that were absorbed in the soil and could poison them. This would cause them to die. Animals could eat the stuff lieing around and could cholk and die. I dont really now this 100% but i know it can happen.

Did British colonization affect Tasmanian tigers and how?

The Tasmanian tiger, more correctly known as the thylacine, was a carnivorous marsupial. It was indeed directly affected by British colonisation, to the point where the arrival of Europeans directly caused its exinction.The Thylacine became extinct because the European settlers saw it as a threat to their livestock and petitioned for a bounty to be placed on it. This enabled them to freely hunt the animal, leading directly to its extinction.

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Driving them to extinction.

Do humans affect the polar habitat?

Yes, humans do affect the polar habitats. Pollution is one of the ways we can have an adverse effect the polar habitat. Global warming is another way we can affect the polar habitat.

Can humans affect extinction?

Absolutely ! The human race is the only animal species on the planet that has hunted other species to extinction.

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That would affect the food cycle, less production.

How do you effect animal habitat?

you can affect animal habitat by littering, not caring for the animals habitat or/and the animal itself...

How did the extinction affect other members of the habitat?

The extinction of a species can have cascading effects on other members of the habitat. It can disrupt food chains and ecological interactions, leading to imbalances and potential population declines for other species that relied on the extinct species as a food source or for some other ecological role. The loss of one species can create a ripple effect, impacting the overall biodiversity and stability of the ecosystem.

How does taking animals for profit affect extinction?

because it ids good