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Q: How did papa death affect Esperanza and her family?
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How does Papa's death affect Esperanza and her family?

it helps with suking cock

What did papa leave Esperanza in the will?

In the will, Papa left Esperanza money to cover her education and medical expenses. Additionally, he left her his house and the responsibility of taking care of the family.

How did papa reward miguel for protecting esperanza in Esperanza Rising?

Papa rewarded Miguel by giving him a new colt for protecting Esperanza during the attempted robbery. This gift symbolized Papa's gratitude and recognition of Miguel's bravery and loyalty towards Esperanza and the family.

Who are the members of esperanza's family?

carlos, kiki, nenny, papa , mama, and me.

What piece of papas clothing do his brothers bring home The book esperanza rising?

Papa's brothers bring home his serape, which is a traditional Mexican shawl, in the book "Esperanza Rising." The serape becomes a symbol of Papa and his homeland for Esperanza and her family.

What kind of doll does esperanza get from Papa?

from papa

Why doesnt mama inherit papa's land upon his death in Esperanza Rising?

In "Esperanza Rising," Mama does not inherit Papa's land upon his death because it is against the laws in Mexico. Instead, the land goes to Tío Luis, Papa's stepbrother, due to the traditional customs and laws of inheritance. Mama and Esperanza are left with no choice but to leave the land and seek a new life in the United States.

When did papa died in Esperanza Rising?

Papa dies in the novel "Esperanza Rising" in the first chapter, which takes place within the first few pages of the book. His death sets the stage for the rest of the story.

What was esperanza Ortega's papa's name?

Esperanza's father name is Sixto Ortega

When did the dad die in the book Esperanza Rising?

The dad in Esperanza Rising died at the beginning of the book, in Part One. His death sets off the chain of events that lead to Esperanza and her mother immigrating to the United States.

Who killed esperanza's rising dad?

Esperanza's father, Sixto, was killed by bandits while he was out in the fields working. The bandits attacked him for his money and possessions, leaving Esperanza and her family devastated by the loss.

How did papas death change Miguel's life Esperanza rising?

When Miguel was a young boy Papa promised him he would get him a job on the railroad.Back then you needed a lever.Now that Papa is dead Miguel lost all levers and now has no chance of getting a job in Mexico.That's how Papa's death affected Miguel