

How did people become knights?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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You had to be a nobleman or son of a knight or noblemna

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Q: How did people become knights?
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Related questions

What sort of people became knights?

the people who respect other people and become royal and nice.

How do knights become knights?

They are knighted by the ruling monarch.

How did the knights of the round table become knights?

they were knighted by king Arthur

Why didn't poor people become knights in the Middle Ages?

Knights were drawn from the nobility, not the peasantry.

Why couldn't women become knights?

Women could become knights. Please use the link to the related question below for more information.

How did the knights become one of the knights of the round table?

they were chosen cause of their qualitys to protect others

How did soilders become knights?

evolution yeah

What are knights in the Medieval Times?

Sons of lords or knights, trained from young age to become elite soldiers.

What did pages do?

They did the odd jobs for knights and were in training to become knights. They were the son's of nobles who showed promise of knighthood.

What was a knights favourite food?

Knights were and are individual people and as such they had individual tastes.

What cartoon has football players that go back in time and become the knights of the round table?

King Arthur and the Knights of Justice

Who was eligible to become a knight in middle ages?

In general, the people who became knights were the sons of nobility and knights. Technically, the king of a country could knight anybody, and everyone was eligible in that sense. There are records of people being knighted who were not members of the nobility, and there are records of women being knighted. There is a link below to a question about women knights. Some of the women described in the answer were not members of the nobility.