

How did people come up of the idea of Christianity?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Nobody 'came up with the idea' of Christianity. Christianity was the way of life taught by Jesus of Nazareth, commonly called Jesus the Christ (c. 4BC - c.30AD) or Jesus Christ. 'Christ' means 'the anojnted one', 'the chosen one' or 'the messiah', and is the title by which Jesus is known. Jesus claimed to be divine, taught with authority about love and forgiveness, and performed many miracles especially healings and raising from death. As well as the gospel stories of Jesus, contemporary historians also described him. Josephus, for example, described him as 'a man, if one could call him a man..... for he was a doer of wondrous works'. Jesus claimed to be divine, as God the Son, and fulfilled God's promise of salvation for all of humanity. He was put to death on a cross by the Roman authorities, and was seen by the earliest followers as a sacrifice for our sin. However, reports abounded that three days later he rose again in a glorious resurrection body. Despite even some of the disciples doubting at first, they, along with well over 500 other people saw him resurrected, and were so convinced that they even died for their beliefs. His followers then report that he was taken from them into heaven and afterwards they became transformed by receiving the Holy Spirit, from scared ex-fishermen and ordinary people into a dynamic force evangelising and spreading the good news of God's kingdom, just as Jesus had asked them. The message of God's salvation of humanity, not through anything that we could do to 'earn' it, nor by following religious rules or duties, but by simply trusting and accepting Jesus into our lives, became known as 'The Way'. It was sometime late that followers of The Way became known as Christians. Nowadays it is the largest and most widely spread religion in the world. Whilst in parts of the West the church is steady or declining in the rest of the world, especially in Russia, China, Korea and the far east, and Africa and South America, Christianity is growing astronomically with thousands of new Christians commiting their lives to Christ every day.

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