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Renee Dietrich

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Q: How did people from many different countries come the US?
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How did the many people from many different countries come to the US?


Do people come from countries or continents for Olympics?

People come from different countries to participate in the Olympic Games. Many of these countries are on different continents, however the athletes represent their country not their continent.

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It was broadcasted in many different countries, so there were many different people who commentated on it.It was broadcasted in many different countries, so there were many different people who commentated on it.It was broadcasted in many different countries, so there were many different people who commentated on it.It was broadcasted in many different countries, so there were many different people who commentated on it.It was broadcasted in many different countries, so there were many different people who commentated on it.It was broadcasted in many different countries, so there were many different people who commentated on it.It was broadcasted in many different countries, so there were many different people who commentated on it.It was broadcasted in many different countries, so there were many different people who commentated on it.It was broadcasted in many different countries, so there were many different people who commentated on it.It was broadcasted in many different countries, so there were many different people who commentated on it.It was broadcasted in many different countries, so there were many different people who commentated on it.

How many countries do Australians come from?

Australians come from roughly about 150 different countries

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Many white people are saints. Saints have come from all types of people from around the world, so they are of many different colours, countries and cultures.

Where do the hispanic's in Los Angeles come from?

Well, if they're "Hispanic" they come from Spain, however there are many different types Latin people in Los Angeles and they are all from different Latin countries such as Puerto Rico, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, etc. Not just one. Well, if they're "Hispanic" they come from Spain, however there are many different types Latin people in Los Angeles and they are all from different Latin countries such as Puerto Rico, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, etc. Not just one.

People from many different countries came to the US by?


What is the ethnicity of Alberta Canada?

Alberta has not one ethnicity, but many. There are people that live in Alberta that come from many, many different countries, backgrounds and ethnicities. This is what makes Canada a multi-cultural country.

Who is speed skating in the Olympics this year?

Many people from many different countries.

How come your penis is different?

many people are different since we are different people. besides, why are you looking, gay

How did people from man different countries come to the US?

Many ways. The colonists came by ship and in the 1900’s they also came by ship into Ellis Island and Angle Island. Today, planes bring many people.

Are the Chinese or Japanese people smarter?

There are many smart Chinese people, but the smartest people on earth come from many different backgrounds and countries.