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It depends which country you wish to know about. In Britain almost nobody had a refrigerator so those with cellars would keep their food in cabinets with wire mesh on the sides to let cool air in and mice out. Also food was scarce with not enough available to keep for long periods and people had to shop every day for essentials.

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Q: How did people keep their food cold in World War 2?
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Why did people invent the refrigerator?

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Why do you keep food in the refrigetor?

To keep the food cold and from developing bacteria.

What is the purpose of the refrigerator?

To Keep food cold so it doesn't spoil. Also to keep things that are supposed to be cold cold. Also to keep foods that are supposed to be frozen frozen.

How did referigeration changed peoples lives?

from salt to keep food fresh, to storage sheds, to refrigerators! refrigerators helped people keep food fresh longer by keeping it cold.

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Because it keeps food cold.

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