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Q: How did people of the holocaust that died or locked up become victims of the holocaust?
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How did people the people who died or were locked up become victims of the holocaust?

Many Nazi's were forced to take any Jewish people that were in hiding and kill them because Germany or Europe were way to over populated by Jews.

Did the Holocaust victims consist of polish people?

YES, The Holocaust victims did consist polish people.

Why did the Tibetan people compare the treatment of their people by the Chinese government to the Nazis and the Holocaust?

It has become fashionable for any group that is persecuted to compare itself to the victims of the Holocaust - and the Tibetans have been treated badly by the Chinese government.

Who committed the crimes against the victims of the Holocaust?

The same people who started the whole Holocaust thing.

Why is the Holocaust all about Jews and only a small mention for non Jews?

The main victims of the Holocaust were people of the Jewish religion. There were other victims, but the Natzis were mainly focused on the Jewish religion when the Holocaust began.

Who were the important people in the holocaust?

the victims no one is trying to remember the perpetrators

Did people suffer from the Holocaust?

The victims - millions of them - didn't only suffer: they perished.

Why were people cremated in the Holocaust?

In the holocaust the corpses (dead bodies) of the victims were often cremated (burnt) after they had been gassed. It saved space.

Why did allied countries not get involved in helping holocaust victims?

because they were looking after their own people

How many people would eat on 1 candy bar during the holocaust?

The people involved as victims of the holocaust did not have candy bars. They considered even a potato as a luxury.

Which group were main victims during the Holocaust?

Jews, Gypsies, and mentally/physically deformed people.

Why should the Holocaust be a holiday?

Theirs many reason that people think the Holocaust should be an Holiday, The reasons are that; . so we can remember the victims that were in the holocaust and that didn't survive at a time of period. . I believe very strongly, that the victims should get one day to be remembered because of all the torture they have been through. . I think all of the victims were innocent and none of them were guilty.