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Q: How did peoples thinking about their government change?
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How did the enlightenment change peoples thinking about the government?

People believed that the government existed as the result of an agreement between the people and their leaders.

How did peoples thinking about their governments change the enlightenment?

People believed that the government existed as the result of an agreement between the people and their leaders.

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They can change peoples thought just cuz it makes understand the beauty of poems. Always remember something that can influence the way you think can change your thinking pattern.

How did peoples thinking about their government change as a result of the enlightenment?

They believed an agreement must exist between the people and their leaders

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a revolutionary poem is a poem that aims to rouse spirits and change peoples thinking

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It depends on the country you are thinking about. In Britan it is not the case as the Government does it. However in other countries it is the opposite.

How did the people's thinking about their government change?

People believed that the government existed as the result of an agreement between the people and their leaders.

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The people have the right to change the government. One of the things you have to know when this was written it was a revolutionary idea. The world for a 1000 years had been ruled by kings with no ability for the population to change the government. To suggest that the people could change the government was very new thinking. For us, it isn't because we can change the government through voting and taking part in the government.

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As result of the enlightenment how did the people's thinking about their government change?

They believed an agreement must exist between the people and their leaders