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  • Political machines controlled the activities of political parties in the city. Ward bosses, precinct captains, and the city boss worked to ensure that their candidates were elected and that city government worked to their advantage.
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Q: How did political machines control cities during the Gilded Age?
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Related questions

What was the role of political machines in the cities?

they allowed for fair and just voting during election so that n one could cheat

Who controlled the Political machines?

In the late 19th century, local governments in many U.S. cities were controlled by political machines. Which of the following was one of the characteristics of political machines?They were involved in various forms of corruption.

Which statement is supported by the information in the reading passageThe main source of political corruption in the Gilded Age was centered in state governments?

Political corruption was not limited to a specific political party.

Why did some immigrants support political machines?

Some of the political machines in cities were controlled by people who were immigrants themselves a generation or so ago. An example would be the Irish in Boston.

How did big-city political machines keep their power?

They keep on giving away free stuff to get votes.

What were some political machines hurt cities?

People without ability or experience became officials.

Why did some immigrants support the political machine?

Some of the political machines in cities were controlled by people who were immigrants themselves a generation or so ago. An example would be the Irish in Boston.

True or false both republicans and democrats operated political machines in the large cities of the US?


What was the main reason that immigrants in cities became new voters in large numbers Apex?

They were encouraged by political machines.

How did political machines both help and hurt cities and governments?

people without ability or experience became offcials

Why did political machines become common in big cities in the late 19th century?

Middle-class whites flocked to city centers.

Who wrote Shame of The Cities?

Lincoln Steffens wrote "The Shame of the Cities," a book published in 1904 which exposed corruption and political machines in American cities during the Progressive Era.