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Q: How did propaganda contribute to the allied victory in world war 2?
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How did the d-day invasion contribute to the allied victory in world war 2?

It put massive Allied force on the ground facing the German armies

What is allied propaganda?

Allied propaganda was propaganda issued by the allies in the Second World War--the British, the Americans, the Russians and their associates.

How did the propaganda campaigns on the home fronts contribute to the allied victory in world war 2?

TV & movies, always have a point of view. I think if anything Hollywood has shown that it is a house of innovation and not necessarily a propaganda machine. I think films have proven to be a forum of entertainment and thought. They general underline the goodness of humanity, not its worst. While some films may contain propaganda it is far from its worst.

How did the propaganda campaigns on home fronts contribute to the allied victory in world war 2?

TV & movies, always have a point of view. I think if anything Hollywood has shown that it is a house of innovation and not necessarily a Propaganda machine. I think films have proven to be a forum of entertainment and thought. They general underline the goodness of humanity, not its worst. While some films may contain propaganda it is far from its worst.

How did the D-Day Invasion contribute to the Allies victory in World War 2?

It put massive Allied force on the ground facing the German armies

Date of World War I World War 2?

World War 1 1914-1918 ((Allied Victory)) World War 2 1939-1945 ((Allied Victory))

How did the bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki contribute to the allied victory in world war 2?

Germany surrender but Japan did not. After the two bombs dropped over Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan surrendered.

What is there about the symbolic force of Beethoven's symphony no. 5 that led American and Allied forces in World War 2 to adopt it as a symbol of victory?

The opening four notes spell out the letter V in Morse Code, (..._) V for victory. All radio propaganda transmissions to occupied Europe began with this.

What are 5 events that shaped the US into a major world power?

1. Theodore Roosevelt2. Panama Canal3. Allied Victory WW14. Allied Victory WW25. Manhattan Project

What was v-day World War 2?

The end of WW2, victory to the allied states.

What happened to Canada as a result of the Allied victory in World War 1?

Became independent

How did operation torch contribute to allied victory in World War 2?

This question wants an answer that would involve pages of an answer. Operation Torch with the Battle of Tunisia brought about the surrender of the German Afrika Corp and then end of the Nazi power in Northern Africa. The entire campaign was complicated and convoluted. Please read about it on the related links so you can understand how complex it was and how it finally contributed to the Allied Forces Victory.