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Prosperity often leads to the accumulation of wealth by some individuals or groups, creating inequalities in society. As wealth grows, those who possess it may seek to uphold their status and limit access to resources, establishing social hierarchies. This can result in the formation of distinct social classes based on economic disparities.

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Q: How did prosperit lead to the development of social class?
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Why is social class a barrier?

Social class can be a barrier because it can influence access to resources such as education, healthcare, and job opportunities. Economic disparities may lead to unequal treatment or discrimination based on one's social class. Additionally, social class can impact an individual's social network and opportunities for upward mobility.

What do sociologists call awareness of our own and others class statuses?

Sociologists refer to awareness of our own and others' class statuses as class consciousness. This involves recognizing social inequalities, differences in access to resources, and the impact of class on individuals' lives and experiences. Class consciousness can lead to collective action and social change.

How did prosperity lead to social class?

Prosperity can lead to the creation of social classes as individuals accumulate wealth and resources unequally, resulting in some people having more power, status, and influence than others. This economic disparity can create divisions within society based on wealth and privilege, establishing hierarchies and reinforcing social class distinctions.

What are the consequence of social class?

Social class can impact an individual's access to resources such as education, healthcare, and job opportunities. It can also affect one's social networks, sense of identity, and mental health. Inequality between social classes can lead to social tension, discrimination, and limited social mobility.

Could Mesopotamian change their social class?

In Mesopotamia, social class was typically based on birth and occupation, making it difficult for individuals to change their social status. However, there were instances where exceptional achievements or military prowess could lead to upward mobility in society. Overall, social mobility was limited and rare in ancient Mesopotamia.

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How did prosperity lead to the development of social classes?

Prosperity led to another major change in society~the development of social classes

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Three factors that can inhibit human development are poverty, lack of access to education and healthcare, and discrimination based on factors such as gender, race, or social class. These factors can limit opportunities for individuals to reach their full potential and lead fulfilling lives.

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What do sociologists call awareness of our own and others class statuses?

Sociologists refer to awareness of our own and others' class statuses as class consciousness. This involves recognizing social inequalities, differences in access to resources, and the impact of class on individuals' lives and experiences. Class consciousness can lead to collective action and social change.

How did job specialization lead to the emergence of social class?

Because depending on your job and rank you were a wealthy or poor person.

How did prosperity lead to social class?

Prosperity can lead to the creation of social classes as individuals accumulate wealth and resources unequally, resulting in some people having more power, status, and influence than others. This economic disparity can create divisions within society based on wealth and privilege, establishing hierarchies and reinforcing social class distinctions.

How can you help your community to develop?

the development of the capacity of indigenous leader to lead; to manage and funtion in their assigned social role in the community/

What are the consequence of social class?

Social class can impact an individual's access to resources such as education, healthcare, and job opportunities. It can also affect one's social networks, sense of identity, and mental health. Inequality between social classes can lead to social tension, discrimination, and limited social mobility.