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Q: How did reggae initially get to the US audience?
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Where can you buy reggae reggae sauce in the US?

Thari Bhee

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What types of positions might an audience initially hold?

An audience may initially hold positions of skepticism, curiosity, interest, or indifference towards a topic or speaker. Their initial position can be influenced by their existing knowledge, beliefs, and personal experiences.

What is the origin of the word reggae?

The word "reggae" is believed to have originated from the Jamaican patois term "rege-rege," which means ragged clothing or quarrel. It was initially used in the late 1960s to describe a style of music that combined elements of ska and rocksteady.

Is reggae reggae sauce a good or service?

Reggae Reggae Sauce is a good.

How much is reggae Artist movado worth?

One million us

Who created reggae legends choreographic dance steps and reggae skanking?

Reggae legends choreographic dance steps and reggae skanking was created by ras cardo reggae(Ricardo scott) under his cornerstone reggae world prophecy label. He created this to teach the world how to dance reggae in what he has described as a unique dance move known as -reggae skanking. This was copyrighted under his performing arts works at the US copyright office in 1998. He has yet to publicly release his dance- skanking reggae moves to the world like so many other things he has created in his archives. He has the special music which exemply and demonstrates this unique rastaman dance.

What nationality is a reggae singer called Eddie Lovette who resides in the US?


Is reggae reggae sauce a good or a service and why?

Reggae Reggae Sauce is a good.

How is jazz linked to reggae music?

There is no link other than the fact that they are both genres of music begun by the descendants of ex-slaves, jazz in the US and reggae in the West Indies.

Why reggae reggae sauce is a good?

Because, Levi Roots sold more than 4,000 reggae reggae sauce.

Who dances to reggae?

reggae listeners