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Settlers were very busy.They did not have the kind of sedentary lifestyles we take for granted today.They had to chop wood,kill animals for food, build houses.In the evenings they would spend time with loved ones. Orally told stories were very popular. Well educated folk read.

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Q: How did settlers in trail avoid boredom?
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A sentence with boredom?

I read a book on long journeys to avoid boredom

How did the kids prevent boredom on the Oregon trail?

carved wood

What was the name of the trail followed by settlers moving west from Pennsylvania?

When the settlers traveled the trail in the mid-1700's it was a little,old Indian trail. Then more and more settlers traveled the old Indian trail and the trail began to get larger.Soon enough the trail was big enough for wagons to travel the trail and then they named the trail The Great Wagon Road.

What is a good sentence for boredom?

People will try almost any kind of entertainment in order to avoid boredom.

What routes did settlers take to reach the west in the early 1800'S?

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Who and how did settlers prepare food on the Oregon trail?

in 1859

Who were the overlanders who used the trail to migrate west?

Settlers. ;)

What was the most common relationship between settlers taking the Oregon Trail and Indians?

Indians traded with the settlers.

About how many settlers traveled in the Oregon trail?

Over 500,000 people traveled on the Oregon Trail.

Where did the trail that settlers took to reach this city leave the Oregon Trail?

The trail that settlers took to reach Portland, Oregon, from the Oregon Trail was the Barlow Road. It branched off from the main Oregon Trail near The Dalles and provided a more direct route to the Willamette Valley, including the future site of Portland.