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Well in todays world no one really undertands the true meaning of science.

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Q: How did slavery within Africa compare to the pre-1450 era?
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What was slavery like in Africa before the europeans arrived?

Slavery in pre-colonial Africa was diverse and varied across different regions. In some societies, slaves were assimilated into the community and could rise to positions of power, while in others they were used for manual labor. Slavery was often a result of warfare, debt, or punishment, and slaves could be traded both within Africa and with neighboring regions.

Where did the eastern slaves settle?

Eastern slaves were commonly settled in the Middle East, North Africa, and parts of Asia. They were often sold into slavery in these regions and worked in various capacities within households, farms, or businesses.

WHAT country is completely enclosed within south Africa?

Lesotho is the country that lies completely inside-or within South Africa.

Who started slavery in the southern colonies Please explain why and when?

Answering who and when started slavery is a tough question. We can track the first shipment of slaves to the colonies, however, the concept of slavery has taken place much longer. Those who were captured during acts of war often became slaves to those within both Europe and Africa. In fact, many of those who were sold were slaves (captives) from neighboring tribes - though those who were brought into a tribe in Africa, if they transitioned into the new tribe, were often treated as family members.

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Landlocked country within South Africa?

A landlocked country within South Africa is Lesotho. In addition you have Swaziland, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Malawi. In all, there are 16 countries that are landlocked in Africa.

What do you mean by ablution of slavery?

Ablution of slavery refers to the act of cleansing or getting rid of the institution of slavery. It implies the effort to eradicate and end all forms of slavery or servitude within a society or community.

Why does South Africa have AIDS?

South Africa has AIDS because HIV is present within their citizens.

What countries are located in South Africa?

Lesotho is a landlocked country within the country of South Africa.

What was an American state where slavery is not allowed by law called?

An American state where slavery was not allowed by law was called a "free state." These states did not permit the practice of slavery within their boundaries, in contrast to states where slavery was legal.

What was the issue of the Missouri compromise?

The overriding issue was slavery. The compromise included The Fugitive Slave Act and agreement to allow slavery within the borders of Missouri.

Does South Africa have deserts?

South Africa has parts of both the Namib and the Kalahari Desert within its borders.