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Down below the deck was very tight and there was no space to move, AT ALL. So slaves would soil themselves.

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Q: How did slaves go to the bathroom on slave ships?
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Why was Liverpool important during the slave trade?

Liverpool, as well as Bristol, were important because they were seaside towns, which meant they had docks. They were the first places the slaves ships would go after selling their slaves in america. When their ships were docked, the crew would clean out the slaves living area. It was the last stop in the triangular trade.

How did the ancient slaves go to the bathroom?

They went in a hole in the ground.

How do Athenians use the bathroom?

they go in the bushes

What happened to the men who go ashore in the land of lotus eaters?

they had to get drugs to help them use the bathroom quicker

What were the different classes in Aztec society?

The highest class were the pīpiltin or nobility. This status was not hereditary but later the class system took on hereditary aspects. The second class were the mācehualtin, originally peasants. Only around 20% of the population was dedicated to agriculture and food production. The other 80% of society were warriors, artisans and traders. Their works were an important source of income for the city.Slaves or tlacotin also constituted an important class. Aztecs could become slaves because of debts, as a criminal punishment or as war captives. A slave could have possessions and even own other slaves. However, all of the slave's animals and excess money would go to his purchaser. Slaves could buy their liberty, and slaves could be set free if they had children with or were married to their masters. Upon the death of the master, slaves who had performed outstanding services were freed. The rest of the slaves were passed on as part of an inheritance.Traveling merchants called pochtecah were a small, but important class as they not only facilitated commerce, but also communicated vital information across the empire and beyond its borders. They were often employed as spies.

Related questions

Why did slave ships stink?

Because no one bathed, they probably didnt have a special place to go to the bathroom, slaves were probably sick, could be throwing up, ect.

What were slaves allowed to do?

Hi, slave were aloud to eat, go to the bathroom, and have shelter.

Where did the slaves go to the toilet on slaveships?

Slaves would go to the bathroom outside of the ship and into the water.

What happened to the slaves on slave ships?

The slaves were treated poorly and were beaten to pulps. The people who traded the slaves were cruel and had no sense of affection of humanity. They call the slaves animals? If I could go back in time I'd show those people who are the REAL animals! Slaves that died on the ships were left where they were, whether they were pushed between two others slaves are laying in a bunk. They DIED of starvation and the deadly heat.

Why was Liverpool important during the slave trade?

Liverpool, as well as Bristol, were important because they were seaside towns, which meant they had docks. They were the first places the slaves ships would go after selling their slaves in america. When their ships were docked, the crew would clean out the slaves living area. It was the last stop in the triangular trade.

How did the ancient slaves go to the bathroom?

They went in a hole in the ground.

How were slaves washed when on slave ships?

They where not washed. They had to spend weeks on end sitting in there own waste and other peoples. In the triangular trade , on the ships they had huge tubs in which people could just reach to go to the toilet bit this was in a small a small amount of ships because this means the slaves had some space to move. But the tubs where disgusting and small children often fell in to them. You might find some information about this in Orlando Equiano's auto biography (he was a surviving slave). But in the end slaves on ships usually caught dreadful diseases and some died.

Did slaves travel and go on ships into small groups?


How long was a slave auction?

A slave auction could last anywhere from a few hours to several days, depending on the number of slaves being sold and the level of interest from buyers. The process typically involved inspecting the slaves, determining their value, and then bidding on them until a sale was finalized.

What did the slaves living quarters on the ships smell like?

Most slave ships were packed so tight that the slaves barely had any room to breathe! Others, were loosely packed and the slaves got their own room. Either way, both living quarters would smell really bad, since the slaves had no personal hygiene whatsoever. Also, slaves quarters did NOT have any bathrooms so they had to go in their room. (Which is disgusting)

What were the condition like on slave ship?

The conditions on the slave ships were horrible and inhumane. The slaves did not get food or water making a lot of them die. The ships were not kept clean and the people were packed in on top of each other making the spread of disease encouraged. The people who were made to be slaves were branded, and treated worse than animals.

What was slave school like?

Slaves didn't go to school