

How did some Jews survive?

Updated: 8/22/2023
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9y ago

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Generally, the only hope of survival was to escape from the ghetto.

1. For a time there was at a tunnel from a house in the ghetto to the outside world. The big problem was surviving once outside ...

2. Some escaped through the sewers, but again there were big problems once outside they surfaced on the other side.

3. For a time there was one point (a cemetary) which was separated only be barbed wire, not a wall and it is said that it was easier to cross there, but the section was well usually well guarded.

4. 34 Jews survived the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising by fleeing through the sewers.

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9y ago

Jews survived by saving up for food in the black market. Some Jews wrote letters, secretly, to the U.S.A at secret locations to ask for assistance. That is how World War 2 concluded.

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12y ago

they had a ration of bread and soup sometimes they didnt eat even that for up to months but survived because the body begins to eat away fat then muscle on your body when starved

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