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For teenage girls in the fifties: Girls wanted to emulate their mothers and be seen as mature, so naturally they would mostly try to have their hair like theirs, up until the late fifties when teens were creating their own looks and styling. This is how we came up with the word teenager, before that teens were just called youths. Teen girls would wear their hair very short at times in the pixie cut with very short U shaped bands ( think Audrey Hepburn in "Roman Holiday". They would also wear a page boy ( curling the hair under all the way around) , sometimes with a U bang or parted on the side. This was also a short hair cut to about the bottom of the neck in the back, and was cut in a U shape. For girls with slightly longer hair ( to about the top of the shoulder blades) They would wear it in a pony tail, after curling the hair. Girls also wear curls in a horse shoe style around the crown of the head, as a lot of the women were wearing their hair. The curls were well shaped and sleek, the crown was then left flat so that a hat could be fastened without ruining the curls of the hairstyle.

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Q: How did teenagers do their hair in the 1950's?
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Teenagers in the 1950s?

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In the 1950s teenagers made the concept of youth culture such as rock and roll music popular. Prior to the 1950s youth culture simply did not exist.

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Alot, they were very polite to parents.

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teenagers are the focusing on fashion and looks that is why teenagers has keen about hair care product and its market so you can say teenagers are the best market for hair care product

What did teenagers make popular in the 1950?

In the 1950s teenagers made the concept of youth culture such as rock and roll music popular. Prior to the 1950s youth culture simply did not exist.

Is straight hair really in style?

While there is nothing wrong with curly hair, yes, straight hair is very in style with teenagers in the upper middle school/high school teenagers.

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yes they can, it wont affect teenagers anymore than anyone else

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Teenagers hair and skin may be greasy because of hormones. Hormones cause an overproduction of oil, which also leads to acne.

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Smoking. Driving along in their automobile. Drive-in cinemas. Listening to records.

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Marie tyler Moore

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Dye it