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The Assyrians exchanged aristocracies between areas, so the new foreign rulers would not be sympathetic to the people under their control, and so not lead or tolerate revolts (that is what happened with the 10 northern tribes of Israel). Their successor the Babylonians followed the same policy (that is what happened to the aristocracy of the Judah and Benjamin). The Persians simply divided their empire into 20 provinces with Persian governors who oversaw the cities, tribes and principalities which were left under their traditional rulers.

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Q: How did the Assyrians and the Persians consolidate their power and control the subjects of their empires?
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Who defeated the Assyrians in 612 BC?

Answer 1the assyrian empire was a great empire ,one of the worlds strongest however the effort of controlling their empire became too much for them and it weakened at the same time another group of people the aryans were becoming strong in Iran . They had come from Asia India and Iran ,they were divided into two races : the medes in the west and the persians in the east . Soon After ashrubanipal died there was a revolt in babylon which was then occupied by the assyrians. The babyliaons formed an alliance with the medes who freed babylon and went to destroy ninveh ( the capital of assyria) in the battle at Carchemish in 605 BCAnswer 2The ancient Sumerian city of Assur came under Assyrian control serving as the capital of the Assyrian Kingdom. Amorites gained control over Southern Mesopotamia ending independent Sumerian rule in the region. And then Assyria was conquered by Amorites, another Semitic people. The Amorites constituted the ruling class, while the Assyrians comprised the general population, retaining their distinct identity. The reason was war.

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It maintained control by having governor or native king from that land

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Brutus what she has

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how did the assyrians kings control all of this territory