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because the flood caused destruction to many towns and city which cost the country money to rebuild them back to their former glory

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Q: How did the Bangladesh flood affect the country?
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How are flood shelters made in Bangladesh?

5,000 flood shelters were made in Bangladesh

What is the worst flood in Bangladesh?

the sick lad flood

Why did Bangladesh flood 2004?

because the country is flat and on a delta and there is a monsoon every year (heavy rain)

Name the flood prone areas in world?

The most flood prone country in the entire world is Bangladesh, suffering from heavy moonsoon rains every year.

How does the environment affect settlements in Bangladesh?

in many ways. If rains heavily, it causes flood, if rains scarcely, it causes drought.

Who was affected by the Bangladesh flood an how?

me mum

How does flood affect farming in Bangladesh?

Flood may play havoc with the agrarian community in Bangladesh. When floods come, the peasants may lose their crops (partially or in full). This leads to poverty and social incidents (like suicide).

Where are the location of the disasters in Bangladesh?

what should they change after the disaster in 2007 bangladesh flood

Where were the flood of Bangladesh?

in Bangladesh and covered almost half of Bangladesh. 70% of Bangladesh's land is flat and low. 10% of Bangladesh is rivers, swamps and lakes.

How was the Bangladesh flood happen?

because it just does

When did Bangladesh flood started?


Where did the Bangladesh 2007 flood occur?

In the North